
Setting up of Emergency Observation Ward in Govt. Hospitals

Health, 👁️ 252

Projects for establishing Emergency Observation Ward (EOW) has been decided in all Govt Hospitals in three Phases. a. Protocol implementation phase, b. Financial implication phase, c. Human resource recruitment phase.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
MS Branch
Swasthya Bhavan, GN-29, Sector-V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091.

No. HF/O/MS/132/W-16/2015. Dated: 05.02.2015.

From: The Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal.

To: 1) The Director of Health Services & Ex-Officio Secretary, H&FW Department.
2) The Director of Medical Education & Ex-Officio Secretary, H&FW Department.

Sub: Setting up of Emergency Observation Ward (EOW)

With a view to strengthening robust Public Health Infrastructure in different Government hospitals all over the state and to ensure availability of quality patient care services in different sections of the people of the state aiming to reduction of morbidity/mortality especially of the wage earner of the family, urgent need to increase the availability and accessibility of emergency patient care services alleviating unforeseen delay in treatment initiation and to promote proper primary treatment to the sick patients has been under consideration of the Government for some times.

2. Hence, Projects for establishing Emergency Observation Ward (EOW) has been decided in all Government Hospitals in three Phases in the following manner:




3. In the inception, Phase – I, that means PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION PHASE will come into force with the following directions and target units:

i. Units where EOW is already functioning;

ii. Units where EOW is already planned, site selected, infrastructural up gradation works started with already available fund;

iii. Units where EOW may be established with only small infrastructural up gradation work amounting less than 10 Lakh Rupees (including both Civil & Electrical Works).

4. The Primary Target is to start EOW within earliest possible time period irrespective of the available bed strength to implement the protocol related to the patient admission, patient retention, treatment and discharge. Essential primary & emergency treatment to be given to the patient attending General Emergency. Essential Tests as per Standard Guideline will be available and to be done at the EOW.

5. Essential Equipment (CAT items) should be available first. Then, NON-CAT item may be procured as per need assessed periodically.

6. No major Infrastructural up gradation or recruitment of human resources is required in this Phase. EOW will run with help of human resources already available in the unit.

7. No training issues will be dealt in this phase. If any reorientation of knowledge is required, it will be given by the specialists (Physicians/Anaesthetist) available in that hospital or any trained staff available in CCU/HDU of that hospital or any hospital located nearby. This orientation programme will be purely on site in nature.

8. The Timeline to complete this phase is March, 2015.

9. This guideline at present will be applicable in all Government Medical College & Hospitals, all District Hospitals and Sub-Divisional Hospitals of the state having 300 (Three) Beds integrating with CCUs.

10. Rest of the phases will follow within the earliest possible time to come.

11. Operational Guidelines, as prepared by Technical Assistance & Support Team (TAST) is annexed herewith with this G.O.

12. This has concurrence of Finance Department U/O No. Group-O/2014-2015/0117 dated 30.12.2014.

13. All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Malay Kumar De
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. HF-132 dated 05.02.2015, Source

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