
Engagement of Homoeopathy House Staff, 2014

Health, 👁️ 220

Selection of house staff in such vacant posts shall be made strictly on merit list to be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the BHMS course of the intending candidates after central counselling. Such merit list will be valid for one year only.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Homoeopathy
Swasthya Bhavan
G.N- 29, Sector-V, Bidhannagar

No. HD/HF/O/AYUSH/3H-98/2014 Date: 12.06.2014


Subject: Engagement of House staff for one year at four state Homoeopathic Medical Colleges & Hospitals.

1. Engagement of house staffs for one year will be made on following terms and conditions.

(a) Selection of house staff in such vacant posts shall be made strictly on merit list to be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the BHMS course of the intending candidates after central counselling. Such merit list will be valid for one year only.

(b) Only those candidates who have completed one year house staff ship in any State Government Homoeopathic Institution in last three years shall be considered for such engagements.

(c) No such candidates shall be allowed such engagements more than once.

(d) In any circumstances, if vacancy occurs within one year the same will be filled up from the merit list as prepared in Central Counselling for the residual period provided no preference will be entertained as submitted in the proforma and in any case the vacancy reduces during the period of one year then the number of candidates engaged will be reduced accordingly.

2. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates as per 1(b) in the prescribed proforma as enclosed (Annexure I).

3. The Walk-In Counselling will be held on 25.06.2014 at Conference Hall (1st, floor), Swasthya Bhavan. The candidates are requested to submit duly filled application proforma along with all the attested copies of testimonials in support of his/her candidature within 12 noon at the latest by 25.06.2014 . No application will be received/ entertained thereafter. The original documents/testimonials are to be produced during counselling for verification.

4. In any circumstances the proposal of transfer will not be entertained.

5. If any dispute arises the final decision will be taken by The Director of Homoeopathy, Govt. of West Bengal.

Sd/- Director of Homoeopathy, W.B.

No. HD/HF/O/AYUSH/3H-98 dated 12.06.2014, Source

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