Governor has been pleased to enhance washing allowances of Nursing Staff from Rs. 25/- (Twenty five) only per month to Rs. 150/- (One hundred and fifty) only per month in respect of washing charges of the uniform with effect from 01.08.2013.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
G.A.(Ng.) Branch, Wing-“A”, 5th floor,
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
No. HF/O/GA(Ng.)/116/HNG/6M-1-2013, Kolkata, the 10th September, 2013
The undersigned is directed to state that the Governor has been pleased to enhance washing allowances of Nursing Staff from Rs. 25/- (Twenty five) only per month to Rs. 150/- (One hundred and fifty) only per month in respect of washing charges of the uniform with effect from 01.08.2013.
This Order is issued as per U.O. No. 614 Group P(Pay) dated 26.08.2013 of Finance Deptt. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal and all other concerned are being informed.
Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal