
Fee Revision of Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Arch. Colleges, 2023-24

Higher Education,

Maximum Annual Tuition Fee will be Rs. 1,10,000/- per annum per Student. In addition, Institutes may charge development fees not exceeding 15% of the prescribed tuition fees for future expansion and development of the Institute.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
Technical Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 6th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700091

No: 466-Edn-(T)/10M-04/2004 (Part IV) Date: 16.10.2023


Regarding the fees of Under Graduate Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture Programmes conducted by the Private Self-financing Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture Colleges of this State, the Governor is pleased to order that the Fees Structure for the Programmes conducted by the Private Self-financing Engineering &Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture Colleges of this State will be continued for at least four (04) years for B. Tech and B. Pharm courses and five (05) years for B. Arch courses w.e.f. 2023-2024 academic session.

Now the details of Fees Structure stipulated in 2023-24 academic year are enumerated in this order.

Accordingly, the Tuition fees and other fees for the students to be admitted in the 1st year of under Graduate Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture Courses and Students admitted through lateral entry in the Self-financing Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture Colleges in the State with effect from the academic year 2023-2024 are given here under:-

I) Maximum Annual Tuition Fee will be Rs. 1,10,000/- per annum per Student.

II) In addition to the prescribed tuition fees, Institutes may charge development fees not exceeding 15% of the prescribed tuition fees for future expansion and development of the Institute.

III) Besides Tuition Fees as prescribed above, the Self-financing Colleges may charge the following fees from the students admitted with effect from the academic year 2023-24.

a) Maximum onetime Admission Fee of Rs. 10,000/- for entire Course period.
b) Library-cum-Book-Bank Fee not exceeding Rs. 6,000/- for the entire course period.
c) Students Welfare, Sports & Games Fee not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- annually.
d) A reasonable amount as Refundable Caution Money.
e) Fees charged by the University for Welfare of students and Development.
f) Other usual University Fees like Registration Fee, Examination Fee etc.

IV) Professional Colleges which have obtained Autonomous Status, have earned NBA accreditation (Program wise)/ NAAC/ NIRF Ranking from the National level Regulatory Authority/ Authorities at the time of their admission process can charge a maximum 10% additional tuition fees above the prescribed maximum fees for the said Programme (s). Such additional fees can be charged from the students for entire duration of the Program.

V) Colleges have to implement the West Bengal Freeship Scheme (WBFS) as per the Govt. Order issued from time to time in this regard.

VI) No capitation fee in any form or kind can be demanded or realized from the students for admission or continuation of the study in the colleges or for any other reason, either directly or indirectly.

VII) No college shall demand or charge any other fee of compulsory nature except fees prescribed in the Para-I to IV of this Order.

VIII) In case of any violation or deviation from any condition of this order, the State Government shall take appropriate action.

IX) The Private Self Financing Engineering & Technology/ Pharmacy/ Architecture colleges shall submit the college specific audited annual accounts and annual administrative reports to the Registrar of the affiliating University and the Director of Technical Education at the earliest.

X) The Affiliating University MAKAUT will conduct and evaluate Academic Audit and Performance to ensure that the desired quality of education is available in and provided by the said self financing colleges and will submit report to the State Government at a regular interval for the purpose of suitable Ranking System for self financing Engineering & Technology/ Pharmacy/ Architecture colleges in the State.

This Notification is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority in the Higher Education Department and in supersession of all previous orders and/or Notifications issued by this Department on this subject and will take effect from the date of notification.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary

No. 466-Edn dated 16.10.2023, Source

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