Office of the Director of Public Instruction, W.B
Higher Education Directorate, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata – 91
Memo No. ED-49/2014 Date: 21.01.2014
From: Dr. D.R. Mandal
Director of Public Instruction & Ex-Officio Secretary
Govt. of West Bengal
To: The Principal /Officer in Charge /Teacher-in-Charge of
All Government /Govt.-aided/ Self-financed B.Ed (Teachers’ Training) Colleges
of West Bengal
Sub: Fee-Structure for two year B.Ed course through ODL mode
Ref: G.O. No. 961-Edn (U) dated 14.09.2013 of Higher Education Department, University Branch
In pursuance of the order referred above, the undersigned has to state that only Rs. 22000/- (Twenty Two Thousand) was decided as admission fees for each student-teacher taking admission into two year B.Ed course through ODL mode. Each College Authority was already collected Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand) from the student-teacher at the time of admission for the session 2013-2015. The rest of the amount will be borne by the State Govt. for each admission case. Violation of the above scheduled fee-structure will be viewed seriously.
Sd/- Director of Public Instruction W.B.
& Ex-Officio Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. ED-49 dated 21.01.2014
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