
Financial Capacity for Engagement as Dealer/ Distributor

Food and Supplies, 👁️ 210

Applicants for Dealership must have bank balance of Rs. 5.0 lakh as working capital as reflected on the day of application and one year preceding the date of application.

Government of West Bengal
Food and Supplies Department
11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata -700 087

No. 1706-FS/Sectt./Food/4P-09/2012 (Pt-II) Date: 21.07.2014


Consequent upon issue of West Bengal Public Distribution System (M & C) Order 2013, while determining the eligibility of an applicant for engagement as a Dealer/ Distributor, it has become necessary and expedient to adopt a suitable guideline in respect of working capital/ financial capacity of the applicants required for smooth running of FPS/ Distributorship in the State.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 3 of the EC Act, 1955 and in cancellation of all previous orders and circulars on this subject, the Govern or is pleased hereby to make the following guideline, inter alia, in respect of working capital/ financial capacity at the time of filing application for engagement as Dealer/ Distributor under Section (20)/ under Section (26) of the West Bengal Public Distribution System (M & C) Order, 2013.

  1. Applicants for Dealership must have bank balance of Rs. 5.0 lakh as working capital as reflected on the day of application and one year preceding the date of application.
  2. Applicants for Distributorship must have bank balance of at least Rs. 50.0 lakh as working capital as reflected on the day of application and one year preceding the date of application.

This Order shall also be applicable while processing vacancies for which enquiries may be ongoing or complete but have not been approved by the Department for engagement or issue of licence.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal &
Commissioner, Food

No. 1706-FS dated 21.07.2014

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