
Issue of GPF Account Slips to Group D Employees

Health, 👁️ 282

This is a statutory responsibility of the DDOs to issue of GPF account slips to Group-D employees immediately after the end of financial year.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
(Audit, Accounts & Verification Branch)
Swasthya Bhawan, Block GN 29, Sector-V Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

Memo No. HAV/7M-34-05/Pt-1/386(130) Dt: 19.08.13

From: The Additional Director of Health Services (A.A. & V.),
Swasthya Bhawan, Block GN 29, Sector-V
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

To: 1) The Director/Principal,
2) The M.S.V.P.,
3) The C.M.O.H.,
Copies of the circular may kindly be circulated to all the sub-ordinate offices under his/her control for strict compliance.
4) The Secretary,
5) The Superintendent,


Sub: Submission of information regarding GPF interest on Gr.-D employees.

This is a statutory responsibility of the DDOs to issue GPF accounts slip to Group-D employees immediately after the end of financial year. This pre supposes calculations of interest and crediting of the same by transfer to the appropriate Head of Account for GPF deposit.

Interest allowed to the Group-D employees in respect of their GPF Account is required to be intimated to the AG, WB, immediately at the end of each financial year after completion of the Accounts and issuance of GPF Account slip to the Group-D employees through the Head of the department or through the authorized officer of the Department (i.e. Addl DHS, AA&V in respect of Health & Family Welfare Deptt., WB). But it has been observed that most of the Heads of offices have not yet sent the same.

Keeping in view of the above, respective Head of Offices under the Health and Family Welfare Department, WB, is once again requested to submit the above to the undersigned for onward transmission to the AG, WB, with immediate effect financial year wise as per proforma below, if not submitted earlier.

Defaulter may face serious action in this regard.

Name of the staff & designationA/C NumberOpening balanceDeposit during the yearInterest during the yearRecovery/Withdrawal during the yearClosing balanceRemarks, if any

Addl. Director of Health Services,
(A.A. & V.), W.B. PTO

No. HAV-386 dated 19.08.2013, Source

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