
GPF and GISS Subscription – Change in Superannuation Age

Health, , ,

Fast three instalments of G.P.F. subscriptions will be recovered as arrears subscription from the forth coming salary bills. Already issued orders for final payment of G.P.F. & G.I.S.S. but not yet paid shall stand cancelled.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A. Branch
Swasthya Bhavan, Block GN-29, Sector-V
Salt Lake City, Kolkaia-700091

No. HF/O/MA/3306/9S-02/2014 Dated, Kolkata the 17th July, 2014


The Governor in reference to Department of Health & Family Welfare Notification No. HF/O/MA(MES)/675/1P-17/2013 dated 30th May, 2014 regarding enhancement of superannuation age of all persons borne in the cadre of WBMES from 62 years to 65 years and WBHS and WBPH&AS from 60 years to 62 years, is pleased to order that G.P.F. & G.I.S.S. in respect of officers belonging the aforesaid cadres will continue in the following manner:-

  1. Contribution towards G.P.F. & G.I.S.S. will continue as before.
  2. Fast three instalments of G.P.F. subscriptions will be recovered as arrears subscription from the forth coming salary bills.
  3. Accountant General ( A&E), West Bengal office is requested to stop issuing authority for final payment of G.P.F. balances in these cases.
  4. Already issued orders for final payment of G.P.F. & G.I.S.S. but not yet paid shall stand cancelled.

This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department. Group-‘J’ dated 04.07.2014.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- A.K. Mallik
O.S.D. & E.O. Joint Secretary (MA)
Government of West Bengal

No. HF/O/MA/3306 dated 17.07.2014, Source

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