West Bengal Government’s Policy for Setting-up Private Universities


No. 196-Edn (U)/1U-93/12, Dated: 07.02.2013


In terms of West Bengal Government’s Policy and Guidelines for setting-up Private Universities issued by this Department vide No. 142-Edn (U) dated 31.12.2012, the Governor is hereby pleased to say that every applicant who desires to set up Private University in West Bengal, may apply to this Department along with application fees of Rs. One lakh. The application should also contain ten (10) copies of Detailed Project Report (DPR) containing interalia the following particulars namely:

(a) Name and address of the organizing committee or the sponsoring body;

(b) Evidence of registration of the organizing committee or the sponsoring body, its constitution, rules and regulations detailing:

(i) Whether the Society is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Trust constituted under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or the Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act No. 1 of 1956),
(ii) Whether Minority (religious or linguistic);
(iii) Registration Number (if any),
(iv) Date of Registration (if any),
(v) Place of Registration (if any),
(vi) Details of minority status, if any,
(vii) Details of certificate,
(viii) Details of Governing Body, managing committee etc. if any,

(Copy of Registration of Society/ Trust/ Company /Minority Status issued by appropriate authority along with details of constitution, memorandum of association of the Society/ Trust/ Company to be attached, if any)

(c) Details of financial resources including presently received from State Government ((year wise), if any, of the organizing committee or the sponsoring body and audited report of its accounts for the last five years;

(d) The name, location and headquarters of the proposed University;

(e) Aims and objectives of the proposed University;

(f) Details of land (name of Mouza, P.S., J. L. No., Khatian No., Plot No., Area, classification of land etc.);

(g) An affidavit to be sworn in by the sponsoring Body of an existing educational institution in a Non Judicial Stamp of Rs. 10/-declaring interalia that the authority shall augment their existing building at least 10,000/- square meter, to be used for academic/instructional purpose within three years from the date of commencement of the proposed University.

(h) Whether the land conversion is done for use of the land for educational purpose or not;

(i) Details of plan for campus development such as construction of buildings, development of structural amenities and infrastructural facilities to be undertaken before the proposed University starts functioning;

(j) Blue-print for campus development programme to be undertaken during first five years in phased manner after commencement of functioning of the proposed University and phased outlays of capital expenditure and sources of finance for those five years;

(k) The nature and type of programmes of study and research proposed to be undertaken by the proposed University and their relevance to the development goal and employment needs of the State and phasing of such programmes over the first five years with course-wise enrolment target;

(l) The experience and expertise in the concerned disciplines at the command of the organizing committee or sponsoring body in detail;

(m) Number of Colleges and Universities located around 5 kilometers of proposed university, their names and types etc.;

(n) The scheme for mobilizing resources internally and externally;

(o) Details of foreign collaboration, if any;

(p) Details of proposed fee structure along with proposal of fee concession/ fee exemption for the poor and physically handicapped students;

(q) Details of proposed reservation of minorities students, domiciled students as well as domiciled employees;

(r) Details of Endowment Fund – a sum of Rs. 10, 00, 00,000/- (Rupees ten crore) in the name of the proposed University and a collateral security deposit of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore); is required to be pledged in favor of the Higher Education Department Government of West Bengal;

(s) Admission procedure to be followed for students to different courses and research programmes of the proposed University;

(t) Procedure to be followed for appointment of permanent Faculty having requisite educational and professional qualification as per UGC and others Regulatory bodies norms for the proposed University;

(u) Procedure to be followed for appointment of officials having requisite educational and professional qualification as well as Non-teaching staff for the proposed University;

(v) Details of the proposed study centers of the proposed University if it desires to run distance education programmes;

(w) Special activities and /or skill development activities that the proposed University wants to run in response to local necessity;

(x) Details of playground, auditorium and other facilities available or proposed to be created for games, sports, culture and extracurricular activities like NCC, NSS, Scouts and Guides etc;

(y) Perspective programme/ arrangement for academic auditing;

(z) A vision statement from the sponsoring body sustaining the reasonability for setting-up the proposed University and any other information that the Organizing Committee/ Sponsoring Body will like to share;

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Madhumita Ray
Addl. Secretary

No. 196-Edn dated 07.02.2013

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