Godown within the radius of 20 kilometer of the vacancy area may also be accepted subject to the condition that the prospective wholesaler, shall give an undertaking that he shall not claim transport rebate for more than 8 kilometer.
Department of Food & Supplies
11A, Mirza Galib Street, Kolkata – 700087
No. 1482-FS/Sectt./Food/4P-9/2012(Pt.-III) Kolkata, the 8th April, 2022
WHEREAS the State Government issued an order vide notification No. 1707-FS/Sectt./Food/4P-9/2012 (Pt.-II), dated 21.07.2014, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said order) specifying certain guidelines with respect to norms of godown space to be maintained inter alia by the wholesaler;
AND WHEREAS while implementing the existing norms prescribed for the godown space, some practical difficulties are cropping up in its implementation within the Sub-area within the definition of clause 2(z) of the West Bengal Urban Public Distribution System (Maintenance and Control) Order, 2013, due to non-availability of requisite godown space in congested and densely populated urban area;
AND WHEREAS the State Government is of the opinion that guidelines regarding godown space of the wholesaler in the Sub-area need to be specified separately;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor is, in exercise of power conferred under section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955) and in partial supersession of notification No. 1707-FS/Sectt./Food/4P-9/2012 (Pt.-II), dated 21.07.2014, so far as the matter relates to godown space of the wholesaler is concerned, pleased hereby to issue following order specifying that a wholesaler must have a godown with the specification mentioned below: –
1. The Godown must have a single compartment with following specification:-
(a) Godown size (space) = Minimum 3700 sq. ft.
(b) The size of the godown should be such, as it should be able to accommodate at least 500 MT of food grains along with an additional space of 25% for provision of alleys in between the stack of different commodities with view to keeping the stock of each commodity separately and neatly arranged for easy identification. There must be a covered space of 200 sq. ft. adjacent to the godown to be used for office purpose as well as for computer operations;
(c) Godown Height: Minimum 4.28 meter (14 feet) along the side walls;
(d) Godown must be a well-ventilated pucca structure with concrete floor;
(e) Provision for verandah is desirable. If verandah is not available, loading platform should be covered;
(f) No. of Rolling shutters: 3 (at least);
(g) Plinth level:
(i) 0.60m (2 feet) from road level & ground level in municipal areas;
(ii) 0.30 m (1 foot) from road level & ground level in municipal corporation areas.
2. The location of the godown should preferably within the jurisdictional limit of the sub-control where the vacancy occurs. However, godown within the radius of 20 kilometer of the vacancy area may also be accepted subject to the condition that the prospective wholesaler, if selected, shall give an undertaking that he shall not claim transport rebate for more than 8 kilometer.
By Order of the Governor,
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal