During the Population Stabilizing Fortnight i.e. from 11th July to 24th July, 2014, Family Health Mela may be organized in each district, one in each Parliamentary Constituency within the district as well as at Block headquarters.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhavan: A-wing, 3rd Floor
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City: Kolkata: 700 091
No. H/SFWB/11M-03-2011/3043(26) Dated: 04.07.2014
The Chief Medical Officer of Health (All)
The District Family Welfare Officer, Kolkata,
Sub: Observance of World Population Day on 11th July 2014.
Please refer to memo no H/SFWB/11M-03-2011/3006(26) issued from the end of Commissioner, Family Welfare & Mission Director, NHM on 27.06.2014, wherein it was decided that World Population Day 2014 and Population Stabilization Fortnight, 2014 will be celebrated throughout the State over a period of one month in two phases i.e.
1) Mobilization Fortnight from 27th June to 10th July 2014.
2) Population Stabilization Fortnight from 11th July to 24th July 2014.
Detailed guidelines for organizing the functions at the districts and block level, as is received from the Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, MOHFW, GOI, is enclosed for your kind perusal.
Hon’ble Members of Parliament and Legislative Assembly, members of Panchyati Raj institutions,
Urban Local bodies, Health Care Workers and Civil Society Members should be fully involved in various activities undertaken during this period:
District wise fund allocation is enclosed for proper utilization and to make the progamme successful.
You are requested to convey all concerned officers to prepare the action plan for organizing the programme smoothly and efficiently.
Yours faithfully,
State Family Welfare Officer &
Jt. Director of Health Services (FW)
Like previous four years, Govt. Of West Bengal has decided to celebrate the World Population Day, 2014, over a period of one month in two phases i.e.
I. Mobilization Fortnight (Dampatti Sampark Pakhwada) from 27th June to 10th July, 2014
II. Population Fortnight (Janasankhya Sthirita Pakhwada) from 11th July to 24th July, 2014. It may also be called as: Family Health Mela fortnight
It is suggested that during the Population Stabilizing Fortnight i.e. from 11th July to 24th July, 2014, Family Health Mela may be organized in each district, one in each Parliamentary Constituency within the district as well as at Block headquarters where the following activities are to be carried out:-
Along with-
Special Health Camp may be set up to provide free checkup and family planning services such as:
Theme of the function of this year 2014-
“Niyojit Parivar, Khushiyan Aapar”
“Porikolpito Poribar Khushi Opar”
As per micro plan the following activities are to be taken in the mobilization fortnight
Activities on Population Fortnight should include:-
All the activities to be conducted as Block PHC/RH/SGH/District Hospital/all PP Units at district and Sub Division Hospital
Role of Collectors:-
The mobilization and promotional activities could be carried out all throughout the fortnight and suggestive activities are as follows:-
State Level | Advocacy from Chief Minister/ Health Minister/ followed by rally on WPD on 11.7.2014 | 1 | |
District Level | Health Mela (duration – one day on 11th July, 2014) | 1 (or co terminus with every MP constituency) | Mobile publicity vans daily to cover all villages of the district. |
Block Level | Nukkad Natak – daily in various Panchayats | Mobile publicity vans daily to cover ten villages. | |
ANM/ASHA mobilization | All gathered at district Mela on 11th July, 2014 | On 10th July, 2014 (at all PHCs) for briefing |
Guidelines W.P.D. – 2014
Guidelines of Population Stabilisation Fortnight (services Delivery Fortnight) 11th – 24th July 2014:-
As the DH, PP Unit, BPHC, RH, SGH, SDH having the OT facilities designated specially for FP services and will organize the Family Health Mela –
Estimated case load per facility (for the State with TFR < 2.1):-
Sl. No. | Family Planning Services | District Level (District Hospital & PPUs) | |||||
Surgeons/ MOs | Staff Nurses/ANMs | Supporting staff | Cases Expected | Total performance per Dist Hos. in the fortnight | |||
Per day | Per fortnight | ||||||
Sterilization | 225 | ||||||
Tubectomy | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 10Ã15 | 150 | |
Vasectomy | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5Ã15 | 75 | |
IUCD | 1 MO | 2 | â | 10 | 10Ã15 | 150% | |
Counselling | To be done by a dedicated counsellor. |
Sl. No. | Family Planning Services | Block Level (BPHC/RH/SGH/SDH) | |||||
Surgeons/ MOs | Staff Nurses/ ANMs | Supporting staff | Cases Expected | Total performance per Dist Hos. in the fortnight | |||
Per day | Per fortnight | ||||||
Sterilization | 120 | ||||||
Tubectomy | 1 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 7Ã15 | 105 | |
Vasectomy | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1Ã15 | 15 | |
IUCD | 1 MO | 2 | â | 7 | 7 x 15 | 105 | |
Counselling | To be done by a dedicated counsellor. |
N.B.:- Manpower, Case Load and Performance per facility of all PP Units (except District Hospital PP Units) are same as that of Block Level
Fund for the activities of the WPD 2014-2015, for the district head quarter @ Rs. 50,000/-(Rupees Fifty thousand) only per unit including seven health district. For Block @ Rs. 25,000/-(Rupees Twenty Five thousand) & PP Unit @ Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand) only per unit.
Rural Hospital where there is PP Unit will utilize Rs. 20,000.00 only and that has not been calculated in the calculation of PP Unit.
Unit wise break-up of fund-
Activity | Fund proposed at Block (Rs.) | Fund proposed at PP Unit Level (Rs.) | Fund proposed at District Level (Rs.) |
Rally | 3000.00 | 3000.00 | 5000.00 |
IEC with Mobile publicity van daily to cover 10 villages, POL, Banner etc. (tableau for Dist.) | 13000.00 | 10000.00 | 40000.00 |
Stall | 6000.00 | 5000.00 | |
Contingency | 3000.00 | 2000.00 | 5000.00 |
Total Cost: | 25,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 50,000.00 |
Details of the fund district wise on the basis of the unit is herein after –
Fund Proposed to district for the purpose of WPD 2014
Sl. No. | District | Fund for District HQ @ 50,000/- | No. of Block | Fund for block @ 25,000/- | No. of PP Unit | Fund for PP Unit @ 20,000/- | Total Fund for the District |
1 | Cooch Behar | 50000 | 12 | 300000 | 3 | 60000 | 410000 |
2 | Jalpaiguri | 50000 | 13 | 325000 | 4 | 80000 | 455000 |
3 | Darjeeling | 50000 | 12 | 300000 | 5 | 100000 | 450000 |
4 | Malda | 50000 | 15 | 375000 | 1 | 20000 | 445000 |
5 | U. Dinajpur | 50000 | 9 | 225000 | 2 | 40000 | 315000 |
6 | D. Dinnajpur | 50000 | 8 | 200000 | 2 | 40000 | 290000 |
7 | Murshidabad | 50000 | 26 | 650000 | 4 | 80000 | 780000 |
8 | Nadia | 50000 | 17 | 425000 | 3 | 60000 | 535000 |
9 | N 24 Pgs | 50000 | 12 | 300000 | 4 | 80000 | 430000 |
10 | Basirhat | 50000 | 10 | 250000 | – | 0 | 300000 |
11 | S 24 Pgs | 50000 | 16 | 400000 | 3 | 60000 | 510000 |
12 | Diamond harbour | 50000 | 13 | 325000 | – | 0 | 375000 |
13 | Howrah | 50000 | 14 | 350000 | 3 | 60000 | 460000 |
14 | Hooghly | 50000 | 18 | 450000 | 4 | 80000 | 580000 |
15 | Burdwan | 50000 | 22 | 550000 | 5 | 100000 | 700000 |
16 | Asansol | 50000 | 9 | 225000 | – | 0 | 275000 |
17 | Birbhum | 50000 | 11 | 275000 | 3 | 60000 | 385000 |
18 | Rampurhat | 50000 | 8 | 200000 | – | 0 | 250000 |
19 | Bankura | 50000 | 16 | 400000 | 2 | 40000 | 490000 |
20 | Bishnupur | 50000 | 6 | 150000 | – | 0 | 200000 |
21 | Purulia | 50000 | 20 | 500000 | 1 | 20000 | 570000 |
22 | Paschim Medinipur | 50000 | 21 | 525000 | 4 | 80000 | 655000 |
23 | Jhargram | 50000 | 8 | 200000 | – | 0 | 250000 |
24 | Purba Medinipur | 50000 | 14 | 350000 | 2 | 40000 | 440000 |
25 | Nandigram | 50000 | 11 | 275000 | – | 0 | 325000 |
26 | Kolkata | 50000 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 80000 | 130000 |
Total | 1300000 | 341 | 8525000 | 59 | 1180000 | 11005000 |
District Health & Family Welfare Samity will release the fund to all blocks and the CMOHs of the concerned health districts.