Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700091
Memo No. 238-SSE/2022 Date: 27.12.2022
- The Principal Secretary, GTA
- The District Magistrate (All Districts)
Sub: Guidelines for observation of Students’ Week from 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023
Madam/ Sir,
You are aware that the competent authority has decided to observe the Students’ Week throughout the State from 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023. The guideline of activities and programmes to be followed week long, by the Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Universities and District HQ is attached herewith for your ready reference.
You are requested to kindly take all necessary initiatives so that the weeklong programmes may be observed with due prominence at all the levels.
Encl: Guidelines on Students’ week 2023
Yours faithfully,
Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
School Education Department & Higher Education Department
Guideline for observance of Students’ Week from 2nd to 7th January 2023
Students’ week would be observed in a befitting manner throughout the State from 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023, as decided by the appropriate authority in School Education Department. The programme would be celebrated at every School, SSK, MSK, College/ Educational Institute and University level. Similarly, the programme shall also be held at District level. The week shall focus on awareness of the students regarding different beneficial schemes implemented by the State Government, facilitating and mobilizing beneficiaries of Student Credit Card scheme, Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means scholarship, Aikyashree, Pre and Post Metric Scholarship, distribution of Text Books & Subheccha Barta of HCM, initiation of different activities/ policies as approved by SED and other cultural activities as mentioned below.
1. Committee formation:
In order to celebrate the week long programme in a befitting manner, The District Magistrate shall lead the initiatives and engage each stake holders to ensure smooth and successful implementation of the week long programme. Additional District Magistrate (Education), all district and sub district level education officers will leave no stone unturned to ensure its success.
2. Tentative Schedule:
- Cleaning & sanitation of Schools/ SSK/ MSK/ Colleges/ Educational Institutions/ Universities to be done by 30.12.2022.
- The week long programme at School/ College/ University level will be held from 02.01.2023 to 07.01.2023. Programme would be tentatively for 2 hours each day (Preferably from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm or as per convenience of the authority of the Education Institution).
- At school level, on the first day, the Head of the Institution may lead the assembly in open air or Assembly Hall. Hol will be congratulating and complimenting the students on successfully graduating to their new classes. She/ He shall also brief the students in general, about the heritage of the school, of the week long celebration ahead and the introduction of new policies of SED.
- In respective classes, Teachers will deliver the tentative schedule of week long celebration and introduction of the class specific new activities which is to be implemented. She/He shall also speak importance of maintenance of personal hygiene, sanitization, hand washing.
- The Shubheccha Barta of Hon’ble Chief Minister along-with school Text Books and khatas will be distributed among students.
- PTM shall be preferably held on 02.01.2023, discussing the week long schedule of Students’ Week celebration and specifically the introduction of new policies of SED.
- On the other days of the week, there may be an interactive session, intra school events and cultural activities by the students and teachers. Different activities as given below may be planned throughout the week by the HOI and the Nodal Teacher designated for observation of Students’ week.
- Each day the programme may conclude with singing of the National Anthem by both students and the Teachers.
- At College / University level, similar programme as enlisted below shall be held as determined by the appropriate authority of the said College / University/ Educational Institute.
3. Programmes at:
A. School/ SSK/ MSK Level –
I. Elementary:
The Students week may be celebrated with the following activities:
- Distribution of Subhecha Barta of HCM to the students
- Distribution of certificate/ marksheet for graduation ceremony
- Distribution of Free Text Books and Khatas to the guardians
- Distribution of Braille and Large print books to CWSN students who are in need
- Meeting with the guardians and discussing with them regarding the 5 new activities to be implemented by SED, methods of enhancing reading habits of students, facilitating home based learning etc
- Implementation of policies regarding 5 activities as applicable
- Interaction with local and eminent Educational Personalities with the guardians
- Organising NVA related activities
- Display of IEC materials (as determined by competent authority of the State/ District) in the school premise
- Door to door visit by the Para Teachers, Special Educators or SSK/ MSK Teachers to the homes of age specific children in the locality as special enrolment drive
II. Secondary & Higher Secondary:
The week long activities may focus on facilitating Students Credit Card camps, Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship camps, distribution of Text Books, HCM’s Greetings to students and the following activities:
- Distribution of Subhecha Barta of HCM to the students
- Distribution of certificate/ marksheet for graduation ceremony
- Distribution of Free Text Books and Khatas to the students
- Distribution of Braille Books and Large Print books to CWSN
- Implementation of policies regarding 5 activities, as applicable.
- Display of IEC materials as determined by competent authority of the State/ District
- Organizing cultural programmes like Recitation, Singing, Dance performance, Solo drama, Dance drama, Instrumental music etc
- Organizing quiz, debate, elocution
- Encouraging Reading habits, reading of stories written by students themselves or by peer students
- Organizing programmes like “Meet the Icon”, where renowned and iconic persons of the locality may be invited to interact with students
- Organizing awareness cum help desk for Student Credit Card, SVMCM, Aikyashree, Pre and Post Metric Scholarship
- Organising NVA related activities
- Holding of Health Camps
- Registration, Updation and Renewal of Kanyashree beneficiaries in Kanyashree portal
- House to house visit by the Shikha Bandhus for enrolment drive of OOSC.
B. College and University Level:
Students’ week would be observed in all Govt. and Govt. Aided colleges/ Universities/ Educational Institutions including Technical/ Professional Institutions of the State, in line with the spirit of the programme specially focussing on the facilitation of Student Credit Card camps and other activities like:
- Conducting online seminar/ workshop and dissemination of information regarding Student Welfare schemes and other pertinent issues
- Organizing Student Credit Card awareness camp cum help desk
- Organizing awareness camp cum help desk for SVMCM, Aikyashree and Post Metric Scholarship
- Organizing Health Check-up camps and psychological counselling
- Display of IEC materials as determined by competent authority of the State/ District
- Organizing drawing / poster competition
- Quiz Competition
- Cultural programmes like singing competition, recitation competition, creative writing competition.
- Organizing Career Counselling sessions
- Holding seminars on Digital Education or blend mode of education with emphasis on students participation
- Interaction with the guardians may be planned on 2nd or 3rd January, 2023.
- Interactive exposure visit by School students of Secondary/ Higher secondary classes to different Colleges/ Universities ( concerned HOIs may plan in consultation with schools in their catchment areas)
C. District Level:
The programme at District level may plan activities mentioned below for the whole week. The activities taken up during the week may include as follows:
- Organize Prabhat Pheri
- Publicity/ Awareness regarding the new activities implemented by SED at school level
- Setting up awareness desks on Student Credit Card at the offices of BDOs/ SDOs/ DM and Local bodies
- Organizing cultural programmes like song and dance, recitation, solo act by students and teachers of few selected schools.
- Organizing exhibitions
- Organizing Stress management workshops/ awareness camp for students during the week
4. Fund Provision:
For conducting the programme at school level, the expenditure may be borne out of School Composite Grant Head of SSA fund. Concerned ADM (Education) SSM of each district may place requisition of fund to the State office, if so needed.
For College and University level celebration, expenditure to be born out of available funds at their end.
No. 238-SSE dated 27.12.2022, Source
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