
Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Heat Stress/Stroke

Health, 👁️ 167

There is risk of illnesses related to heat exposure in this summer season, particularly for people exposed to hot and humid environment or to the direct sun for long duration.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
PH & CD Branch
Swasthya Bhawan (Wing-B, 1st Floor)
Block-GN, No.-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091

Memo No. HPH/3F-01-2012/391 Dated: Kolkata, the 08/04/2016.


With the onset of the summer season, mercury has soared up in most of the parts of the state. To add to the effect of the high ambient temperature the humidity is also often very high in this season. It is to be kept in mind that there is risk of illnesses related to heat exposure in this situation, particularly for people exposed to hot and humid environment or to the direct sun for long duration.

Guidelines on prevention and management of heat stress/stroke (in Bengali) along with daily reporting format are enclosed herewith. The same is to be circulated among all concerned Health Units for arranging preventive and case management measures. In case a heat wave starts, a daily reporting has also to be initiated in the prescribed format. If any mortality occurs due to heat related conditions, the particulars of the case(s) have to be reported to the Dy. CMOH-II who will in turn pass the information to State IDSP mailbox (idsp.wb@gmail.com) and to the ADHS (EC, NC & ES) of this Directorate (nimaichandra.61@gmail.com).

Dy. CMOH-Is are directed to ensure adequate stock of ORS, injectables (normal saline & Ringer’s lactate), antihistaminic, anti pyretic, infusion set, antibiotics etc so that the districts do not suffer from any scarcity. He will also verify whether any scarcity is existing in the Health Units or not.

Dy. CMOH-IIs are instructed to keep liaison with other departments and the Superintendents of different hospitals for proper attention, management and reporting along with the IEC to the community as well.

At the block level, in addition to ensuring the logistics etc, instant arrangement of ice cold water for sponging the affected patients should be kept ready.

If required, an intersectoral collaborative meeting may be organized with presence of CMOH, Dy. CMOH-I, Dy. CMOH-II and General Administration.

If cases of heat related illness are found to attend hospital/ health centre in frequent numbers, the matter is also to be informed will relevant data.

Sd/- B. Satpathy
Director of Health Services
& Ex-officio Secretary, W.B.

No. HPH/391 dated 08.04.2016, Source
