
Higher Secondary Examination Routine (Old Syllabus), 2015

Higher Secondary Education, 👁️ 657

Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer).

9/2, Block- DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake KOLKATA-700091

Memo No. DS(EXAM)/52/2014 Dated: 31/12/2014

Examination Programme
Higher Secondary Examination: 2015

DateDayFrom 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (MORNING)
12.03.2015THURSDAYBengali (A), Hindi (A), Nepali (A), Bengali (B), Hindi (B), Nepali (B), Santali, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Oriya, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Assamese, Modern Tibetan, Alternative English.
14.03.2015SATURDAYEnglish (A), English (B) Environmental Education [ 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm ]
16.03.2015MONDAYStatistics, * Classical Languages, @ Modern Foreign Language, Agronomy
18.03.2015WEDNESDAYPhysics, Nutrition, Education, Business Organisation & Management
20.03.2015FRIDAYPolitical Science, Geology, Sociology
23.03.2015MONDAYMathematics, Philosophy
25.03.2015WEDNESDAYPsychology, Geography, Economic Geography
27.03.2015FRIDAYHistory, Chemistry, Accountancy
28.03.2015SATURDAYAnthropology, Economics, # Fine Arts & Crafts, # Music
30.03.2015MONDAYBiological Sciences, Home Management & Home Nursing, Business Economics including Business Mathematics
31.03.2015TUESDAYComputer Science, Modern Computer Application

The Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer) except Environmental Education, Fine Arts & Crafts and Music.

* Classical Languages: Sanskrit, Pali, Persian and Arabic @ Modern Foreign Language: French

# The Examination of this subject will be of two hours duration.

H. S. Music Practical Examination (Date: January 27 to 31 of 2015)

Date Schedule of Other H.S. Practical Examinations

a) PHYS, NUTN, PSYC (Date: January 03, 05 to 10 of 2015)
b) CHEM, GEGR, HOMN (Date: January 13 to 17, 19, 20 of 2015)
c) BIOS, COMS, AGNM, FACR, COMA, GEOL, FRNC (January 21, 22, 24, 27 to 29 of 2015)
d) STAT (January 30, 2015)

The Council may, if necessary, change the above dates with due intimation to all concerned.

Sd/- Kalyan Sengupta
Deputy Secretary (Examination)

No. DS(EXAM)/52 dated 31.12.2014, Source

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