
Increase 40% Bed Strength in Private Nursing Homes/ Hospitals


Private Nursing Homes/ Hospitals are allowed to enhance their present sanctioned bed strength upto 40% more as per availability of space for management of active COVID-19 cases in the same infrastructure.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
GN-29, Sector-V, Swasthya Bhaban
Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No.: CE-0055-2020/A-2280 Dated: 04.05.2021


In the scenario of COVID pandemic situation and under the provision of the W.B Epidemic Disease, COVID-19 Regulations, 2020, the Health & Family Welfare Department directed all Registered Clinical Establishments in the state to develop isolation beds for treatment of COVID-19 suspect & COVID- 19 positive cases.

In the present scenario of resurgence of COVID-19 infections it has become necessary to increase the bed strength of all Private Nursing Homes/ Hospitals to combat the present rising trend of COVID-19 positive cases.

As such all Private Nursing Homes/ Hospitals are allowed to enhance their present sanctioned bed strength upto 40% more as per availability of space for management of active COVID-19 cases in the same infrastructure and for that they will not have to deposit any fees for extra beds.

The enhancement of bed upto 40% of the sanctioned bed strength for COVID management is allowed for them under the existing CE license. However, they need to intimate the local licensing authority for the same.

This approval is given on an emergency basis for next three months to combat with unprecedented surge of COVID-19 cases in recent time from the date of issue of this notification or till further order whichever is earlier.

Director of Health Services
West Bengal

No. A-2280 dated 04.05.2021, Source