
KAYAKALP Award, 2015 to District Hospitals


A national Initiative for Awards to Public Health Facilities, KAYAKALP, to promote Cleanliness, Hygiene and Infection Control practices contributing to the goals of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.


Memo no.: HHM/1H-79-2015/254 Dated: 16/10/2015


A national Initiative for Awards to Public Health Facilities, KAYAKALP, was launched by the Govt. of India on 15th May, 2015 to promote Cleanliness, Hygiene and Infection Control practices in Public Health Facilities for improved patient safety and health outcome contributing to the goals of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

The Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal adopted KAYAKALP on 20th August, 2015. In accordance with the guidelines and strategic framework, the programme is being implemented in our State in a comprehensive manner.

All the District Hospitals, SDHs, SGHs, RHs, BPHCs and PHCs would be brought under the initiative. The Awards would be given to those Public health facilities who score the highest based on a set of defined criteria.

There will be three sub categories:

a) Best District Hospitals – The first and second best district hospitals will receive cash award of Rs Fifty lakhs and Rs. Twenty Lakhs respectively.

b) Best SDHs, SGHs, RHs BPHCs Award

The first and second ranked Health facilities will receive cash awards of Rs. Fifteen lakhs and Ten Lakhs respectively.

c) Best PHC Award – In every district, the best PHC (24×7) will receive a cash award of Rs. Two Lakhs.

In order to motivate, sustain and improve performance in facilities that score over 70%, but do not make it to the list of top two/one in a particular year, a Certificate of Commendation plus cash award would be given as follows:

a) District Hospital Rs. 300,000

b) SDH/SGH/RH/BPHC Rs. 100,000

c) Primary Health centres Rs. 50,000

For FY 2015-16 only District Hospitals have been taken up for the KAYAKALP Award. In subsequent years other Health Facilities will be taken up.

In the FY 2015-16 twenty (20) District Hospitals in West Bengal were taken up under KAYAKALP Scheme. Out of these 20 hospitals nine (9) were nominated by their District Level Award Nomination Committees for award based on the scores obtained by Peer Assessment.

External Assessment Teams from State Level were sent to the nominated nine hospitals for validation of the scores.

The State Level Award Committee ranked the facilities according to the scores obtained in External Assessment.

The M J N Hospital, Coochbehar District, ranked 1st and the M R Bangur Hospital, South 24 Parganas ranked 2nd. The list of the District Hospitals achieving more than 70% in External assessment is as below:

District Hospitals achieving more than 70%
In KAYAKALP Award 2015

Sl. No.Name of HospitalPercentageRank
1M J N Hospital, Coochbehar88.2%1st
2M.R. Bangur Hospital, South 24parganas77.4%2nd
3District Hospital, Siliguri75%3rd
4District Hospital, Howrah71.8%4th
5District Hospital, Jalpaiguri71.2%5th
6District Hospital, Tamluk70.4%6th

Mission Director
National Health Mission
West Bengal

No. HHM/254 dated 16.10.2015, Source

Download: Swachhta Guidelines for Public Health Facilities
Download: Award to Public Health Facilities – KAYAKALP