
Power of Managing Committee of Kolkata Day student’s Home

Higher Education, 👁️ 214

Managing Committee of Kolkata Day Student’s Home, Day Student’s Home for Girls, Kolkata and Shri Ramakrishna Day Student’s Home and such other Day student’s Home receiving periodical grants from the State Government.


No. 980-Edn(CS)/4C-13/2015 Date: 15.10.2015


Subject: Rules relating to the constitution and powers and functions of the Managing Committee of Kolkata Day Student’s Home, Day Student’s Home for Girls, Kolkata and Shri Ramakrishna Day Student’s Home and such other Day student’s Home receiving periodical grants from the State Government.

In supersession of all previous orders, rules, regulations, customs and precedents, etc, if any, in regard to the constitution, powers and functions of the Managing Committees of the Kolkata Day Student’s Home, Day Student’s Home for Girls, Kolkata and Shri Ramakrishna Day Student’s Home, and such other Day Student’s Home receiving periodical grants from the State Government, the Governor is hereby pleased to make the following rules governing the constitution, powers and functions of the Managing Committees of the above mentioned Day Student’s Home:-

1. Constitution of the Managing Committee:-

(a) Every Day Student’s Home shall have a Managing Committee to be constituted by the State Government by Order;

(b) The Managing Committee of every such Day Student’s Home shall consist of not more than fifteen members;

(c) Every Managing Committee shall be headed by a President to be appointed by the State Government from amongst its members who shall be an educationist of repute, or person having administrative experience of more than ten years;

(d) The Warden of the Home shall be the member secretary of the Managing Committee;

(e) There shall be two representatives in the Managing Committee to be inducted from amongst its employees who shall be elected by the employees of the Home from amongst them;

(f) Every post of member of the Managing Committee shall be honorary;

(g) The tenure of the Managing Committee shall ordinarily be three years or till reconstituted by special order of the State Government, whichever is earlier;

(h) Any member may resign from his post, in writing, addressed to the State Government;

(i) Vacancy occurred due to resignation or otherwise may be filled up by the State Government within three months from the date of occurrence of such vacancy;

(j) Vacancy occurred due to resignation or otherwise of the staff-representative shall be filled up in the same manner by which they have been elected;

(k) The State Government may appoint Administrator, having qualification of becoming President of Managing Committee, for a period of three months, which may be extended up to six months, suspending or abolishing the managing Committee in case of serious exigencies.

2. Procedure for conducting election:-

(a) Regular full-time employees appointed in a substantive vacancy in any post of the Home, except the Warden, shall only be eligible to participate in the election;

(b) The President of the Managing Committee shall be the Electoral Officer for this purpose;

(c) He shall conduct the election and declare the result within two months from constitution of the Managing Committee;

(d) The Warden of the Home shall provide secretarial assistance to the President including preparation of electoral rolls, ballot papers, etc;

(e) In case of a tie in any election, the President shall exercise one vote to break the tie.

3. Powers and functions of the Managing Committee:-

(a) The Managing Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter of a Calendar year;

(b) The meeting shall be chaired by the President and in absence of President; the senior most member shall chair the meeting;

(c) Attendance of 1/3 members in the meeting shall form a quorum;

(d) Notice of every meeting shall be given at least seven days prior to the meeting;

(e) Emergency meeting may also be conducted at the instance of the President by providing a notice of three days prior to the meeting;

(f) The Managing Committee shall submit to the State Government an annual report on the workings of the Home;

(g) The Managing Committee shall not sell, gift, mortgaged, let or sub-let any asset, movable or immovable, of the Home to any person, institution or organization without written permission from the State Government;

(h) The Managing Committee shall not alter any portion of the building of the Home, except petty repair work, without written permission of the State Government

4. Powers of the State Government:-

(a) The State Government shall have power to cause inspection of the Home after giving prior intimation to them in writing, from time to time.

(b) The State Government shall also have power to give directions to the Home authority from time to time in the interest of public service and the Home authority shall be responsible for compliance of the Order.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- M. Ray
Additional Secretary

No. 980-Edn dated 15.10.2015

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