Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
MERT Branch
Swasthva Bhavan, GN-29, Salt Lake City, Kol-91
No. HF/O/MERT/1379/W-146/13 Dated, Kolkata, the 13th Nov., 2013
From: The Special Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: (1) The Director of Medical Education, West Bengal.
(2) The Director of Health Sciences, West Bengal.
In pursuance of the recommendation of the High Level Task Force on reduction of IMR and MMR, the undersigned is directed to request the concerned authorities of all Medical Colleges to follow the following measures for improvement of labour room practices.
- Unit head (Prof./Asso. Prof.) will do evening round after 9 PM on the day of admission.
- Asst. Professor should be there on the floor duty on the day of admission.
- Audit of maternal death/ morbidity and severe Birth Asphyxia should be conducted every week.
- Pool of Post Graduate students in the labour room should be formed for round the clock labour room and Ante-Natal Ward monitoring and supervision.
- Observation, findings & detailed note of RMO-cum-clinical Tutor should be there on BHT regarding patient examination at an interval of 4 hours.
- Party meet to be undertaken by ‘On Duty’ labour room RMO/PGT after 6 PM every day.
All concerned are being informed.
Sd/- Special Secretary