
Online Civil Registration System for Birth and Death

Health, 👁️ 473

Governor has been pleased to order that software based on-line Civil Registration system has been implemented in respect of all registration under the RBD Act, 1969 in all districts of West Bengal, w.e.f . 5th May, 2022.

Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
(Information Technology Cell)
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-9, Sector-V
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091

No. 4350-HFW-17011/3/2021-IT SEC-Dept. of H&FW Date: 12.07.2022


In continuation of notification No. 126-Secy(HFW)/2022 dated 2nd May, 2022 and No. A2124 dated 2nd May, 2022 the Governor has been pleased to order that software based on-line Civil Registration system has been implemented in respect of all registration under the RBD Act, 1969 in all districts of West Bengal, w.e.f 5th May, 2022.

  1. In case of the Birth/ Death in Govt. Hospitals, the Birth/ Death certificate will be issued from the same Govt. Hospital before discharge of the person.
  2. In case of Birth/ Death in Pvt. Clinical Establishment or home or any place other than Govt. hospital, Birth/ Death Certificate will be issued by the concerned Local Body viz. Municipality/ Corporation/ Gram Panchayat.
  3. In case of not registering the event in due time, citizen can apply for the same through this online system.
  4. No fees will be charged for the entire process except delayed registration as per RBD Act, 1969.
  5. It is further notified that unless mentioned otherwise the paper based applications will not be entertained by the Registering authorities. Processing of application under RBD Act, 1969 would be guided by the extant orders.
  6. For any further enquiry/ assistance, Chief Medical Officers of the district may be contacted.
  7. This order shall be followed with strict observance.

By the order of the Governor

Sd/- Secretary
Government of West Bengal

No. 4350-HFW dated 12.07.2022, Source