No. HF/PPP/1/2012/Pt-IA/539. Date: 13.11.2014
Operational Guidelines for Dialysis Units under Fair Price Diagnostic Centre
Guidelines prepared by PPP Cell in consultation with Prof. Rajendra Pandey, HoD, Nephrology, IPGME&R, Kolkata and duly approved by Principal Secretary of the Department.
- The O&M partners would deploy medical and technical personnel in accordance with the provisions of the agreement for functioning of the respective units. However, the concerned hospital authorities would extend necessary help and support in this area for smooth functioning of the units for the benefit of the patients.
- In case of emergencies occurring during the process of Dialysis, necessary support would be sought from the hospital authorities for management of such emergencies in the critical care unit/ emergency units of the hospital.
- In the event of any death occurring during Dialysis, the Certificate of Death would be issued by the concerned Dialysis Units for patients referred by private Doctors/private institutions. However, in case of such incidences occurring for patients of the Government Hospitals, requests for necessary help may be made to the concerned hospital authorities
- In case of need for Blood transfusions during Dialysis, the formalities for such requisition will be made by the concerned Dialysis unit
- Patients referred from any Government Hospitals would be charged at the existing approved rates for Dialysis services. However, recommendations for free services for any such patients would be routed through the concerned MSVP/Superintendent of the Hospital where the Dialysis unit is functioning
- In case of +ve (HIV, Hepatitis B positive) patients, guidelines as are applicable need to be followed by the O&M partners. The Dialyser and Blood Tubing in such cases would be for one time use.
- The issue of procurement of consumables for RO Plant shall be resolved through mutual discussions by the concerned O&M partners with Nipro, the vendor for the equipment and RO Plant.
- In case of infected patients where risk of transmission is high, the Dialysis kits will be used for single use after certification of the Nephrologist of the concerned hospital. In case of hospital where Nephrologist is not available, such certification will be from the concerned medical specialist of the hospital. However, the medical specialist, if required, shall contact with Nephrologist of any of the Medical College & Hospitals for necessary advice. The proportionate rate for kits in such case shall be worked out by the O&M partner with the concerned organisation supplying Dialysis kits under intimation of this Department
Sd/- Special Secretary
Health & Family Welfare Deptt.
No. PPP-539 dated 13.11.2014, Source