The Department of H & FW has decided to observe ‘Paschim Banga Swasthya Dibas’ on 2nd August 2013 and as per desire of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, it has been decided to felicitate officers & staff of this Dept. on this day.
Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
Swasthya Bhawan,GN-29, Sector-V,Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091
Medical Administration Branch
Memo No. HF/O/MA/1566, Date: 10/07/2013
From: Joint Secretary (M.A) to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: 1. The Principal Medical College & Hospital, All
2. The CMOH All
The Department of H & FW has decided to observe ‘Paschim Banga Swasthya Dibas’ on 2nd August 2013 and as per desire of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, it has been decided to felicitate officers & staff of this Dept. on this day. It has been decided that one name from each category of staff/officers will be selected from the District & Medical College & Hospitals on the basis of some parameters given below. For this purpose a District Level Committee & MCH level Committee will have to be constituted as per guidelines given below:
A. District:
The District Committee will collect names of staffs from Blocks, Hospitals including T.B/ Leprocy/ Mental Hospital if any and select one awardee per category as per parameters laid down. The names of the nominees are to be sent to Jt. Secretary (M.A) at the State Head Quarter by 19th July 2013 through e-mail or Fax or by hand. The e-mail I.D is and the Fax no. is 03323577935.This may be treated at extremely urgent. If no list of nominees are received within the stipulated date, it shall be presumed that the district concerned has no nominations to make. Candidates having history of suspension/ un-authorized absence/advances integrity report should not be selected.
OSD & e.o. Jt. Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Two meeting of the committee formed to suggest the categories and the parameters for selection of awards to be felicitated on ‘Paschim Banga Swasthya Dibas ‘was held on 14.06.2003 & 18.06.2003 under the chairmanship of S.S.(M.A) at the Green Room of the Swasthya Bhawan. All the members were present & also were present were Dr. Himadri Sanyal, Dr. Suman Biswas as invitee members.
The list of the members are given below:
The minutes of the meeting are:
A. District:
The Committee will collect names of staffs from Blocks, Hospitals including T.B/ Leprocy/Mental Hospital if any and select one award per category as per parameters laid down & send the names to Dr. A.K.Mallik, Jt.Secretary at the State Head Quarter by 10th July 2013.
Categories Objective Parameters
Total marks- 30
Performance will be assured based during the period 01.04.12 to 31.03.13
1. 1st ANM
a. % of mother tracking register updated
b. % of ANC received total services
c. % of child tracking registered updated
d. % Achieved in immunization (full)
e. Number of IUD insertions-
f. Number of deliveries conducted
2. 2nd ANM
As above
3. H.A (M)-
a. No.s blood slide collected.
b. No.s of days of duty at public health emergencies/out breaks.
c. No.s of S/C clinic attended
d. No.s of outreach sessions attended
e. No. of Health Education session attended.
4. GDMO- In Primary Health Care-
a. Number of deliveries conducted
b. Number of Public Health emergency incidents/ outbreak attended-
c. Number of PRI meeting attended
d. % of referred out patient (lowest %= highest marks)
e. Number of Supervisory visits done-
f. Number of health educational sessions attended.
6. Specialist MO
I. Non Surgical Discipline- Those having both OPD & IPD duties.
a. % of days attending OPD in time
b. Number of admissions under him or her in the year.
c. % of average referral out (lowest %= highest marks)
d. % days giving rounds in wards in time
e. % of days meeting with party in time.
f. % of frequency of writing prescription in generic name from BHT.
II. Surgical disciplines- Those having OPD & IPD duties I Incl. (G & O):
a. % of days attending OPD in time.
b. No.s of emergency operation (major)/ Caessarian section done.
c. No. of planned operation done (major)-
d. % of referral out-(lowest %= highest marks)
e. % of days meeting with party in time
f. % of frequency writing prescription in generic name from BHT
III. Those having only OPD duties but no beds-
a. No.s of days per weeks attended the OPD-
b. % of days attending OPD in time-
c. Average no.s of patients/ investigations done per day
d. Patient’s satisfaction index (%)-
7. BMOH-
a. Quality of leadership-
b. Attention to cleanliness of the facility.
c. Attention to improvement patient care.
d. % of OPD tracking.
e. % of FMR submitted in time.
f. % of attendence to monthly meeting at district.
8. Superintendent-
a. % of days timely rounds at wards-
b. Attention to the cleanliness of the hospital
c. Attentions to the diet quality.-
d. Attentions to fulfillment of services. Viz- R.K.S, Fair price shop, J.S.S.K, J.S.Y, R.S.B.Y etc.
e. Attention to the improvement for patient care
f. % of FMR submitted in time
9. M.T-
a. % of days attended in time.
b. Average no.s of investigation done per day
c. Patient satisfaction index(PSI)
d. Average total duty hours attended in a week.
13. Staff Nurse –
Only through subjective parameters- Total Marks- 50.
a. Devotion to work
b. Knowledge of work
c. Behavior & manners towards patients & their relatives/friends.
d. Power of taking responsibility.
e. Initiative
f. Extracurricular professional activity
g. Ability to work with subordinates & colleagues.
h. General attendants and punctuality.
i. Documentation of her works
j. Reliability to carry out instructions.
14. Group-D
Only through subjective parameters- Total Marks- 50.
a. Devotion to self work
b. Behavior & manners towards patients & their relatives/ friends
c. Power of taking work load.
d. Initiative
e. Extracurricular activities related to services
f. Ability to work with others.
g. General attendants and punctuality.
h. Reliability to carry out instruction
i. Capability of completing the work in time
The District Level/ M.C.H level committee will have to send the following to the State Headquarter while sending the names of the recommended awardees in each category.
After receiving one nomination for each category from each district (including GTA and newly created Health Districts) and Medical College & Hospitals, the same will be put up to the State level Committee to finalise the awardees. The number of awardees to be selected may be decided by the State level Committee depending on the number of awardees finally decided by the H & FW department to be felicitated on the occasions for the current year.