Higher Education, Promotion đī¸ 47
Governor has been pleased to decide that the norms for promotion of Teachers/ Librarians in Govt. Engineering and Technology Colleges in West Bengal as annexed in I, II, III and IV (Terms and Conditions) will be followed.
Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
Technical Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
No. 533-Edn (T)/4A-4/2023 Dated: 12.12.2023
From: Deputy Secretary. Govt of West Bengal
To: The Director of Technical Education, Govt. of West Bengal
Subject: Terms and Conditions towards Promotion for the Teachers and Librarians of Govt Engg & Tech Colleges in West Bengal.
Consequent upon implementation of revised pay-structure under the AICTE pay revision scheme in terms of this department Memo No. 11-Edn(T)/1P-2T-2019 dated 07.01.2020, the question of allowing Promotion in the light of AICTE Regulation 2019 vide F. No. 61-3/RIFD/7th CPC/2016-17 dated 01.03.2019 and subsequent Notifications for the Teachers and Librarians of Govt Engg & Tech. Colleges in West Bengal were under consideration for some time past.
2) Now after careful consideration and keeping in view of the local conditions applicable in the State, the Governor has been pleased to decide that the norms for promotion of Teachers/ Librarians in Govt. Engg & Tech Colleges in West Bengal as annexed in I, II, III and IV will be followed by all Govt. Engg & Tech Colleges in West Bengal under the administrative control of this Department in regard to norms for Promotion for Teachers/ Librarians so that the revised pay structure as introduced in terms of 11-Edn(T)/1P-2T-2019 dated 07.01.2020 and the scheme of promotion rules and other service conditions of the Teachers/ Librarians of Govt Engg & Tech. Colleges, as annexed, will be considered a composite one Enclosed Annexure-I contains the guidelines for scheme prescribing the Norms for promotion and other service conditions of teachers. Annexure II contains Constitution of Selection Committee for the promotion of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. Annexure III contains Training Requirements for promotions of Teachers from all the Disciplines and Annexure IV contains General Information and the prescribed formats and scoring pattern as laid down in the scheme.
3) The above scheme will be applicable only in respect of the Teachers/ Librarians (a) who are confirmed in service (b) who become eligible for promotion on or after 01.03.2019 of Govt. Engg & Tech Colleges under the administrative control of this Department and will take effect from 01.03.2019 i.e the date of Notification of the aforesaid AICTE Regulation.
4) This order is issued in continuation of the earlier order in this Department vide no 11-Edn(T)/ 1P-2T-2019 dated 07.01.2020 and with concurrence of Finance Department vide U O. no. Group P1/2023-24/0398 dated 08.12.2023.
Encl: Annexure -I, II, III and IV
Deputy Secretary