West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91
DS/ACA/0064/14 Date: 15.07.2014
In response to queries from the students, teachers and the Institutions, the Council is hereby instructing all teachers and students to strictly follow the subject-wise question pattern provided in the books of sample question set and question pattern meant for Class XI and XII, published by the Council. Several sets of subject-wise model question papers are also provided in these books so that the students and teachers can have an idea of the general standard to be followed in the question papers to be set by the Council. The book for Class XI is already available in the market and the book for Class XII will be published very shortly. Question pattern and model question paper for those subjects which are not present in the book for Class XII will be uploaded in our website at the earliest.
Sd/- Deputy secretary (Academic)
DS/ACA/0064 dated 15.07.2014
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