
Recruitment of Non-Teaching Employees in Colleges

Higher Education, 👁️ 337

Guidelines for conducting selection process by College authority for recruitment of non-teaching employees in Government-aided colleges of West Bengal.


No. 940-Edn(CS)/4E-25/2010 (Part) Date: 25.08.2017


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20 read with section 19 of the West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulations) Act, 2017 (West Ben. Act VII of 2017), the Governor, after considering the long pending processes of recruitment of non-teaching employees in the Government-aided colleges and also considering the needs of restructuring and enriching the West Bengal College Service Commission for carrying out the huge responsibility of conducting recruitment procedures for appointment of non-teaching employees in all Government-aided Colleges in West Bengal and also giving due regard to the needs of framing new Regulations by the West Bengal College Service Commission in this regard, and in the interest of Public service, is hereby pleased to relax the requirement of the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the said Act, for the time being and until further Order, and hereby, pleased to frame the following guidelines, in partial modification of all previous order in this regard, for conducting the selection process by the College authority for recruitment of non-teaching employees in the Government-aided colleges, as follows

1. The Governing Body/ Administrator of all Government-aided colleges, including colleges run by minorities, shall obtain prior post filling permission from the State Government, in writing for each and every post including promotional post, in every case and all such permission shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance of the post filling permission within which the College authority shall complete the selection process, notwithstanding the fact that the selection process is not disputed or deferred or kept in abeyance by an order of any competent Court of law or otherwise.

2. Every proposal for post filling permission shall bear an up-to date Roster of Appointment duly authenticated by the appropriate authority.

3. The College authority shall constitute a Selection Committee for conducting the selection process and such selection Committee shall comprise of a nominee of the State Government, a nominee of the affiliating University and a nominee of the Governing Body/Administrator, as the case may be. A selection Committee constituted for this purpose shall remain valid for a period of one year or until completion of the selection process, whichever is earlier.

4. The Governing Body shall advertise the post intended to be filled up in at least two dailies having circulation in the district concerned in which the college is situated, one in English (if available) and the other in Bengali, and also display notice in the College’s website and Notice Board.

5. For all non-teaching posts including promotional posts, except Group-D posts, knowledge in computer application will be a desirable qualification and the candidate having knowledge in computer application shall have preference against others.

6. For selection in non-teaching posts, every college authority shall conduct selection process in the following manner:-

For Group-D posts – through Walk-in-Interview mode:-

I. Interview for 30 marks.

II. Candidate engaged on contractual or temporary mode in the concerned college for a period more than two years shall get additional five marks for work experience in the interview as compared to others candidates provided that the candidate is within the prescribed age limit.

III. Candidates having knowledge in computer operation in MS Office will also get additional five marks as compared to others candidates provided that the candidate is within the prescribed age limit.

For Group-C posts –

I. Written Examination for 150 marks, comprising of Mathematics, English and Metal aptitude.

II. Computer application test for 50 marks.

III. Interview for 20 marks.

IV. Candidate engaged on contractual or temporary mode in the concerned college for a period more than two years shall get additional five marks for w’ork experience in interview as compared to others candidates provided that the candidate is within the prescribed age limit.

7. All papers and relevant documents relating to the selection process in any post including the score-sheets shall be kept and preserved in safe custody for a period of at least ten years. Every college shall however, take endeavour to digitize the whole selection process suiting their economic conditions.

8. The recommendation of the Selection Committee shall be sent to the Director of Public Instruction in the form of a panel as soon as the selection process is completed along with all relevant documents relating to the selection of empanelled candidates including the copies of certificates of qualification and experience for verification and approval.

9. No appointment letter shall be issued to any candidate by the college authority until and unless appropriate approval letter is received from the Director of Public Instruction in writing.

10. Every appointment shall be made on temporary basis as per the following manner:-

(a) The College Authority after getting approval from the Director of Public Instruction shall take steps for completing police verification and medical examination of the selected candidates and shall furnish the report thereof to the Director of Public Instructions.

(b) After completion of the process of police verification and medical examination of the selected candidates, the college authority shall issue appointment letter to the selected candidates.

(c) In case of urgency, the Governing Body/ Administrator of the college may allow the selected candidate to join in the vacant non-teaching post, pending receipt of the police verification report, with the undertaking that if the police verification report is not found favorable, the appointee shall be discharged forthwith.

11. Every appointee shall be on probation for a period of two years from the date of his appointment and if the service of the appointee is not found satisfactory to the Governing Body/ Administrator, the appointee shall be discharged after giving him one months notice or one month’s salary in lieu of notice and also an opportunity of being heard, with information to the Director Public Instruction.

12. This order shall also be applicable for all cases in which the recruitment process is already started and not yet completed. However, the Selection Committee, which has already been constituted prior to the date of issuance of this notification, shall continue to function unless otherwise directed.

13. If any dispute arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Order, the matter should be referred to the DPI for instruction/ clarification.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- Smt. M. Ray
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 940-Edn dated 25.08.2017, Source