
Recruitment Rules of Principal in Govt-aided/ affiliated College

Higher Education, , 👁️ 642

State Government in the Higher Education Department, taking into account the local conditions, has decided to prescribe qualifications and norms for recruitment to the post of Principal in Government-aided/ affiliated General Degree Colleges as well as B.Ed. Colleges.


No. 982-Edn(CS)/8R-1/10 Dated. 30.12.2013


Pursuant upon issuance of UGC Notification No.F.3-1/2009, dated 30.06.2010 notified in the Gazette of India on 18th September, 2010, and in cancellation of the earlier Memorandum No. 1020-Edn(CS)/8R-1/10 dated 31.12.2010 and No. 666-Edn(CS)/8R-1/10 dated 19.08.2013 of this Department, the State Government in the Higher Education Department, taking into account the local conditions, has decided to prescribe the following qualifications and norms for recruitment to the post of Principal in Government-aided/ affiliated General Degree Colleges as well as B.Ed. Colleges.

1. Method of recruitment:

By selection (direct recruitment) through the College Service Commission, West Bengal (excepting the Colleges administered by religious and linguistic minorities).

2. Pay Scale: Pay band of Rs. 37,400-67,000/- plus Academic Grade pay Rs. 10,000/-

Special Allowance: As per rules.

3. For General Degree Colleges:

A. Academic Qualifications and Experience:

a) A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade or grade point wherever grading system is followed) from a recognized University/Institution.

However, relaxation of 5% from 55% to 50% is admissible for candidates belonging to SC and ST categories and to those who have obtained Master’s Degree prior to 19th September, 1991. The percentage calculation should not involve any rounding-off procedure, that is, 54.5% and 49.5% (and above) should not be rounded off to 55% and 50% respectively.

b) A Ph.D. Degree from a recognized University/Institution in a discipline which has relevance to the subjects taught in the College concerned.

c) At least holding the rank of an Associate Professor in University/ College/ institution of higher education.

d) At least 15 years of teaching/research/administrative experience in recognized Universities, Colleges and other Institutions of Higher Education, as clarified in Note 1 below.

e) A minimum score in the academic performance indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), with emphasis on published work, designed in accordance with UGC guidelines. It is also desirable, but not essential, that the candidate should have experience of guiding research.

Note 1: Teaching Experience: As a whole time faculty at least in UGC scale of pay in recognized University College/ Institution of Higher Education.

Research Experience: Post-doctoral research experience in any recognized Institution of Higher Education.

Administrative Experience: Experience of working in an administrative capacity in any recognized University /College /Institution of Higher Education in at least Assistant Professor Scale.

Note 2: API format shall be designed in accordance with the UGC guidelines.

Note 3: Lady Candidates are preferred for Girls’ Colleges

B. Age should not be above 55 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement.

4. For B.Ed. Colleges:

A. Academic qualifications and experience:

a) A Master’s degree with at least 50% (marks or an equivalent grade/grade point wherever grading system is followed) from a recognized University/Institution in any subject of Humanities, Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce, Music and Fine Arts.

b) M. Ed with at least 55%* marks (or an equivalent grade/grade point wherever grading system is followed) from a recognized University/ Institute.

c) Ph.D. in Education.


a) Master’s degree in Education with at least 55%* marks (or an equivalent grade/grade point wherever grading system is followed) from a recognized University.

b) B. Ed with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade/grade point wherever grading system is followed).

c) Ph.D. in Education.

*Relaxation of 5% from 55% to 50% is admissible at the Master’s degree and M. Ed level for (i) candidates belonging to SC and ST categories and for (ii) those who have obtained the said Master’s Degree prior to 19th September, 1991. The percentage calculation should not involve any rounding-off procedure, that is, 54.5% and 49.5% (and above) should not be rounded off to 55% and 50% respectively.

d) 10 years teaching experience out of which at least 5 years teaching experience in a Secondary Teacher Education Institution

e) A minimum score in the academic performance indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), with emphasis on published work, designed in accordance with UGC guidelines.

B. Age should not be above 55 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement.

Note 1: API format shall be designed in accordance with the UGC guidelines.

Note 2: Lady Candidates are preferred for Girls’ Colleges.

This comes into force with immediate effect.

Sd/- Vivek Kumar
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 982-Edn dated 30.12.2013

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