Date of release of deputed teacher-trainees will be 30th June of every year instead of 15th May as the course runs from 1st July to 30th June of every year according to NCTE norms.
Office of the Director of Public Instruction, W.B
Higher Education Directorate, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata – 91
Memo No. Ed-321 Date: 17.05.2013
From: Dr. D.R. Mandal
Director of Public Instruction
& Ex-Officio Secretary
Govt. of West Bengal
To: The Principal /Officer in Charge /Teacher-in-Charge of
All Government /Govt-aided /Self-financed B.Ed (Teachers’ Training) Colleges
affiliated under the University of Calcutta
Sub: Change of last date of release of deputed teachers of the B.Ed. course
In pursuance of the letter D.O. No. G-3/49/2013 dated 22.01.2013 from the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Calcutta, it has been decided that the date of release of deputed teacher-trainees will be 30th June of every year instead of 15th May as the course runs from 1st July to 30th June of every year according to NCTE norms. This instruction supersedes all previous instructions/ arrangement related to the matter.
Director of Public Instruction W.B
& Ex-Officio Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal