
S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014 – Written Examination

Food and Supplies, Staff Selection Commission,

Date of Written Examination: 27th July, 2014 (from 12 Noon to 1.30 PM). Revised Tentative Schedule of Activities i.c.w. S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014.

Date of Written Examination: 27th July, 2014 (from 12 Noon to 1.30 PM)

Revised Tentative Schedule of Activities i.c.w. S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014

ActivityExisting Schedule as published in advertisement no. 01/WBSSC/2014Proposed Schedule
Admit cards to be dispatched by23rd May, 201427th June, 2014
Duplicate Admit Cards may be downloaded from website9th June, 20147th July, 2014
Date of Written Examination22nd June, 2014 (Sunday)27th July, 2014 (Sunday)
Time of publishing result of Written ExaminationAugust, 2014October, 2014
Period of verification of documents and Personality TestAugust – September, 2014November, 2014
Time of publishing Final ResultOctober, 2014December, 2014
Nomination to be completed byNovember, 2014January, 2015

Scheme of Written Examination i.c.w. S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014

The Examination will consist of only one paper on –

(i) General Studies (Matters of common experience including Every Day Science, Current Events and Problems with special reference to India, Elementary Knowledge of Indian History and Indian Geography).

(ii) Arithmetic (Questions will be set on the basis of the syllabus of Madhyamik Examination of the W.B.B.S.E. with Mental Ability).

Syllabus of Written Examination i.c.w. S.I. Food Recruitment, 2014

Subject-wise distribution of marks for Written Examination will be as follows:-

Section – A: General Studies

Sl. No.SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1Everyday Science (Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology)2512.5
2History & Geography2512.5
3General Knowledge & Current Affairs of National Importance105
4General Knowledge & Current Affairs of International Importance105
5Know Your State (West Bengal)105
6Art & Culture105

Section- B: Arithmetic

Sl. No.SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1Divisibility/ Fractions/ Decimals/ Recurring Decimals55
2Simplification/ HCF/ LCM55
5Ratio & Proportion55
7Simple interest55
8Profit & Loss55
9Time & Distance/ Time & Work55
10Area of Rectangles & Squares55

The above noted break up of marks is indicative in nature. Commission may change subject wise break up of marks without any further notification in this regard.

Sd/- Secretary cum Controller of Examinations
West Bengal Staff Selection Commission

Source: http://wbssc.gov.in/

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