Food and Supplies, Fair Price Shop , PDS
The size of the godown should be minimum 400 sq. ft. along with a covered space of 2.00 sq. ft. adjacent to the godown to be used for office purpose and for FPS automation.
Government of West Bengal
Food and Supplies Department
11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087
No. 1707-FS/Sectt./Food/4P-9/2012 (Pt-II) Dated: 21.07.2014
In view of coming into force of the West Bengal Public Distribution System (M & C) Order, 2013 and its subsequent amendment vide No. 1284-FS/Sectt/Food/4P-09/2012 dated 06.06.2014 published in the Kolkata Gazette, and in keeping with various reforms undertaken by the Department for safe and scientific storage of food grains to be utilised under PDS it has become necessary and expedient to adopt a uniform policy in respect of specification of storage godowns both for FPS and Distributors.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the EC Act, 1955, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following guidelines to be followed while inviting applications for new licences and in case of renewal of licences. The existing dealers/ distributors shall also upgrade their godowns accordingly within 6 (six) months from the date of issue of this order.
F.P.S. (Fair Price Shop)
This order shall also be applicable while processing vacancies for which enquiries may be ongoing or complete but have not been approved by the Department for engagement, or issue of licence.
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal &
Commissioner, Food.