
Short Inspection of Police Units

Police, 👁️ 212

Supervisory Officer shall make a short Inspection of any one facet of the Police Station working such as pending UD cases, pending complaints, pending W/A, crime, maintenance of any particular Register etc.

Nabanna, 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711102

Police Order No. 03/2014 Date: 12.03.2014.

Sub: Short Inspection Remarks.

1. Regular Inspections ensure proper functioning of different Police Units. However, instead of relying solely on annual Inspections it would be beneficial to conduct in-depth short Inspection of any one area of working of Police Units. This will enable inspecting officers to go deep into the subject matter which will give a clear picture of any loopholes and problems so that timely remedial action can be taken.

2. In view of the above, henceforth, whenever a Police Station or subsidiary unit like TOP/ Inspection Centre is visited by a supervisory Officer such as District SP/ SRP/ Range DIG/ Zonal IG/ Addl. DCP/ DCP/ Jt. CP/ CP, the supervisory Officer shall make a short Inspection of any one facet of the Police Station working such as pending UD cases, pending complaints, pending W/A, crime, maintenance of any particular Register etc. This may either be recorded directly in the Inspection Register of the Unit or sent subsequently to the Unit as short Inspection Remarks, to be pasted in the Inspection Register. The supervisory Officer will ensure that the Unit sends him a Compliance Report, with a copy to the SP/ SRP/ CP, as the case may be.

3. This is applicable to all other Units including Batallions, where the concerned Senior Officers shall conduct short inspection of different aspects of Armed Police, Telecommunication, CID, IB etc.

4. It may please be noted that these short inspections are not to substitute Annual Inspections but only to supplement them.

Sd/- G.M.P.Reddy
Director General & Inspector General of Police, West Bengal

Police Order No. 03/2014