
SNEHER PARAS – Financial Assistance to Migrant Workers

Disaster Management, , ,

A financial assistance of one-time exgratia payment of Rs. 1,000/- will be provided under the scheme to such worker who is residents of West Bengal and who is stranded in other parts of the country due to lockdown because of Corona Virus (COVID-19).

Government of West Bengal
Department of Disaster Management and Civil Defence

No. 106-PSDM&CD/2020 Dated: 20th April, 2020.


Amid this global pandemic over COVID-19 spread, the country is under complete lockdown since 24.03.2020. As a result many workers of West Bengal who are working in different sectors in other states are stuck in different parts of the country. Due to sudden halt in the economic activity and loss of livelihood, a large number of these workers are now living in severe conditions without any means of daily sustenance. Their livelihood is seriously affected.

The State Government, in order to provide some financial assistance to these migrant workers who are resident of West Bengal and who are stranded in different parts of the country, has decided to introduce a new scheme, named “SNEHER PARAS”.

The Scheme

(1) Sneher Paras

A financial assistance of one-time exgratia payment of Rs. 1,000/- will be provided under the scheme to such worker who is residents of West Bengal and who is stranded in other parts of the country due to lockdown since 24.3.2020 because of Corona Virus (COVID-19).

(2) Eligibility for the Scheme:

Any worker of the State, who is stranded in other parts of the country due to lockdown since 24.3.2020 because of outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19), will be eligible for the assistance on fulfilment of following conditions:

(i) The worker is a resident of West Bengal.

(ii) The worker is stranded in other parts of the country and is not able to come back to the State due to suspension of transportation and restrictions imposed on inter-state movement. Such worker shall apply for assistance.

(iii) The applicant has provided details of either or Khadyasathi Number or EPIC Number or Aadhaar Number to prove that he is a resident of West Bengal.

(iv) District Magistrate/Commissioner, KMC is satisfied that the applicant is actually stranded due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and is a resident of West Bengal.

(3) How to Apply:

(i) As it is not possible for the migrant workers stranded in others parts of the country to submit physical application for assistance under the scheme, the state government has decided to launch a Mobile App named West Bengal Sneher Paras. The worker can avail benefit of the scheme by accessing the Mobile App through his/her mobile.

(ii) The applicant can download the Mobile App by visiting the “Google Play store” or from the Jai Bangla link provided in the home page of Government of West Bengal – Egiye Bangla at www.wb.gov.in. and apply by filling in relevant information.

(iii) The applicant will have to provide the following details :

(a) Photograph
(b) Details of Khadyasathi Number or EPIC/ Voter ID or Aadhaar card.
(c) Account details: Bank account details to which the financial assistance will be credited.
(d) Mobile number
(e) Details of Local Contact Person: Name, relationship and contact number of the contact person in West Bengal.

(4) Processing and Approval:

(i) The application sent by the applicant through Mobile App will be available to the District Magistrates/Commissioner of KMC in the Sneher Paras link in Jai Bangla link provided in the home page of Government of West Bengal – Egiye Bangla at www.wb.gov.in.

(ii) The District Magistrates/Commissioner of KMC shall conduct verification of each applicant with respect to the authenticity of the eligibility criteria.

(iii) The District Magistrates/Commissioner of KMC after conduct of verification shall online approve the eligible cases for payment.

(iv) After the approval of the District Magistrates/Commissioner of KMC, the Department of Disaster Management shall generate payment mandate for payment of the assistance directly to the bank account of the worker.

(v) An automatic SMS will be generated after the payment and sent to the worker.

(5) Nodal Department:

The Department of Disaster Management, Government of West Bengal will implement the Scheme.

(6) Effective Date:

The Scheme will come into effect from 20th April, 2020 and will remain in force till 3rd May, 2020.

Sd/- Principal Secretary

No. 106-PSDM&CD dated 20.04.2020, Source