
State Level Task Force for Kala Azar in West Bengal

Health, ,

State Level Task Force will function as the Apex policy making committee. It will provide overall guidance towards elimination of Kala-azar from the State of West Bengal by 2015.

Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
Swasthya Bhaban, ‘B’ – Wing, Fourth Floor
G.N. – 29, Sector – V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091

Memo. No. HPH/1″D”-29-2014/43 Dt:- 27.01.2015


In conformity with the National Roadmap for Kala-azar elimination, a State Level Task Force for Kala Azar is hereby constituted under the chairmanship of the Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, GoWB. The composition of the Task Force will be as follows:

  1. Secretary (PHP), H & FW Department. – Member.
  2. DME & E.O.Secy – Member.
  3. DHS & E.O.Secy – Member.
  4. HOD, Department of Parasitology, STM – Member.
  5. HOD, Community Medicine, Burdwan MCH – Member.
  6. Prof. Mitali Chatterjee, Deptt of Pharmacology; 1PGMER – Member,
  7. Dy.Secy (PHP) GoWB – Member.
  8. SPO, N.V.B.D.C.P. – Member-Convenor.
  9. Representative from IMA State Branch – Member.

The Task Force so constituted will function as the Apex policy making committee at the state level. It will provide overall guidance to the efforts being taken towards elimination of Kala-azar from the State of West Bengal by 2015. It will monitor:

The Task Force shall meet on monthly basis.

This order will take immediate effect.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Principal Secretary
Government of West Bengal

No. HPH-43 dated 27.01.2015, Source

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