
State Nodal Officer for 24×7 Health Helpline

Health, 👁️ 216

(a) Information regarding availability of essential service packages in State Government Run Health Facilities and (b) Assistance in availing the service packages rendered by the State Government Run Health Facilities.

Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
Strategic Planning & Sector Reform Cell
4th Floor, Wing B, Swasthya Bhawan

No. HF/SPSRC/49/2013/Hospital Admn/135, Dated: 18.06.2013

From: Dibyen Mukherjee, IAS Special Secretary

To: 1. Director of Medical Education
2. Director of Health Services

Subject: State Nodal Officer for 24 x 7 Health Helpline.

It has since been decided that the Health & Family Welfare Department will operate 24×7 Health Helpline on an outsourced basis. Patients, Patient Parties or the general public would receive the following two categories of services from the Helpline (a) Information regarding availability of essential service packages in State Government Run Health Facilities and (b) Assistance in availing the service packages rendered by the State Government Run Health Facilities.

2. In order to implement and monitor the above mentioned project, the Deputy Director of Health Services (Hospital Administration) will henceforth act as the State Nodal officer for Health helpline. Beside other responsibilities, he will maintain liaison between the Outsourced agencies and facility managers of different tertiary and secondary tier facilities. Hospital Authorities are expected to comply his request regarding submission of different data related to availability of hospital services, prompt redressal of grievances etc. He will maintain the central database required for call centre with assistance from the System Analyst of the IT Cell of the department. He will organize orientation training for call-centre associates, and functionaries of health department. He will develop and design different ‘standard operating procedure’; formats of database; training module etc. with the assistance of different committees to be constituted for the purpose from time to time. He will submit performance report of the call centre to the Jt. Secretary (IT) from time to time.

Sd/- Dibyendu Mukherjee
Special Secretary

No. HF/SPSRC/135 dated 18.06.2013, Source

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