
Constitution of Statute Drafting Committee for Universities

Higher Education, 👁️ 197

The terms of reference of the Committee are to identify deficiencies, difficulties and shortcomings in the present Statutes of the State Universities and recommend solutions to address/ remove them.

Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091.

No. 892-Edn (CS)/4C-5/2014 Dated 21.08.2014


Whereas the State Government have felt it necessary to review the Statutes of all the State Universities of this State with a view to introducing parity and uniformity in the content of Statutes of all the State Universities;

And Whereas it has been felt necessary to prepare the draft of omnibus Statutes which may be adopted by all the State Universities;

And Whereas it is felt necessary to constitute a Statute Drafting Committee in this regard, which will submit its recommendations alongwith the draft of omnibus Statutes to the State Government in the Higher Education Department within six (6) months from the date of its first meeting;

Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to order that a Statute Drafting Committee, the composition of which is given below, be constituted in this regard:-

  1. Prof. Suranjan Das, Vice Chancellor, Calcutta University – Chairman;
  2. Prof. Subha Sankar Sarkar, Vice Chancellor, Netaji Subhas Open University – Member
  3. Nominee of the Vice Chancellor, Burdwan University – Member
  4. Nominee of the Vice Chancellor, Kalyani University – Member
  5. Nominee of the Vice Chancellor, Vidyasagar University – Member
  6. Nominee of the Vice Chancellor. North Bengal University – Member
  7. Director of Public Instruction, or Additional DPI as his nominee – Member
  8. Sri Jayanta Dliali, Law Officer, Higher Education Department – Member
  9. Sri Shiladitya Basu Roy, Joint Secretary, Higher Education Department – Member & Convenor

The terms of reference of the Committee are:-

The Calcutta University shall provide secretarial and logistics assistance and support to the Committee. The members may utilize transport facilities/ draw travelling allowance from their respective establishments.

This order shall take immediate effect.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Vivek Kumar

No. 892-Edn dated 21.08.2014

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