Govt. of West Bengal
Directorate of Medical Education
Swastha Bhawan, Sector V, GN-29
Kolkata – 700 091.
Memo No: ME/HS-03-14/M/1398 Date: 30.07.2014
The following Medical Graduates of supplementary Batch, 2013 of the Medical Colleges of this state and others are hereby provisionally selected for the post of Stipendiary House-Staff for the Institutions and in the disciplines as noted in the enclosed list as they have completed their internship in the concerned Medical Colleges or applied for registration under West Bengal Medical Council.
The tenure of appointment of the selected candidates will be for a period of one year in two six-monthly terms with effect from 1st August, 2014 to 31st July, 2015.
No change of discipline during the tenure of appointment is permissible. The selected House-Staff are directed to report to the Head of the concerned Institution where they have been selected, positively on or before 1st August, 2014 with a copy of provisional/permanent Registration Certificate issued by the West Bengal Medical Council.
Where the vacant posts are not filled up through Central Selection at present the local authorities are empowered to fill up the vacant posts of House-staff now as per existing rules up to 31st March, 2015. In this connection procedure of selection of House-staff locally has already been circulated vide order No. ME/HS-03-10/M/616 dated 25/4/2013.
No T.A is permissible for joining the post of house job.
They should abide by the rules and regulations guiding the conduct of stipendiary House-Staff and the terms and conditions as laid down in concerned prevailing Govt. Orders.
Encl: As stated
Chairman Central Selection Committee
Director of Medical Education &
Ex-officio Secretary, West Bengal.
No. ME/1398 dated 30.07.2014, Source
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