An Amanuensis is a person who writes down or transcribes what another person dictates.
An Amanuensis is a person who writes down or transcribes what another person dictates.
Childrens with Special Need (CSWN) may apply for amanuensis/ Writer, extra time or for both) to the concerned Regional Office of Council along with the following documents for the ensuing H.S. Examination, 2023.
Provisions offered for CWSN for forthcoming H.S. Examination 2023 and annual examination of class-XI 2023 (Theory & Practical) as per RPWD Act, 2016.
CWSN student(s) may apply for amanuensis (Writer, Extra time etc.) to the concerned Regional Deputy Secretary through the Head of the Institution along with the following documents for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2022/ Annual Examination of Class-XI, 2022.
Application for permission to help physically challenged candidates of higher secondary examination to take writer and allow extra time for completing the examination.