Receipt of registration fees for students undergoing D.El.Ed. for the session 2014-16 will be started from 16th February, 2015 to 4th March, 2015.
Registration for Two Year D El Ed Course through ODL mode for the untrained inservice primary teachers, recruited in 2014 through the Sub-Inspectors of Schools of all districts of West Bengal.
The word extra time or additional time that is being currently used should be changed to compensatory time and the same should not be less than 20 minutes per hour of examination for persons who are making use of scribe/reader/lab assistant.
Download Examination Center for Diploma in Elementary Education Part – I Examination, 2014 (Session 2013-2015), and Part – II Examination, 2014 (Session 2012-2014), West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
Coordinators of the District Level Monitoring Teams for the ODL Courses for in-service teachers are directed to act in accordance with the instructions of the Chairpersons, District Primary School Councils.
Personal Contact Programme (PCP), scheduled on 29.07.2014 are rescheduled on 02.08.2014 after the usual study hours. The duration of each PCP will remain the same.
Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 on Practical and Theoretical Subjects will be held for the trainees of two hundred ten (210) PTTI of West Bengal.
The Principals of all the self-financed, unaided and private PTTIs are requested to attend a Two Day Orientation Workshop on the Transactional Modalities of the Revised Two Year D.El.Ed Curriculum and Syllabi.
The session 2012-2014 of 2-year D.El.Ed. Course closes on 30.06.2014. The students of the session 2012-2014 of 2-year D.El.Ed. Course need not be held in the classroom from 01.07.2014.
The President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education, notifies hereby the introduction of the Newly Revised Two Year D.El.Ed curriculum and syllabi from the academic session-2014-16 which starts on and from July-01, 2014.
5 seats in all DIETs, Government PTTIs and Government aided/sponsored PTTIs shall be kept reserved from the next academic session for inservice untrained primary teachers having requisite academic qualifications and interested to pursue D.El.Ed. Course as deputed candidate.
Applications are invited from Indian citizens with 50% in Higher Secondary Examination for Admission to 2 Year D.El.Ed Course for the session 2014-2016.