প্রথম দফায় 3 টি আসনে ভোট কুচবিহার, আলিপুরদুয়ার, জলপাইগুড়ি, দ্বিতীয় দফায় 3 টি আসনে ভোট , দার্জিলিং, রায়গঞ্জ, বালুরঘাট, তৃতীয় দফায় 4 টি আসনে ভোট জঙ্গিপুর, মুর্শিদাবাদ, মালদা উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ
In view of the 18th General Elections to the House of People, 2024 (Parliamentary Elections, 2024) scheduled to be held on 19th, 26th April, 2024, 7th, 13th, 20th, 25th May, 2024 and 1st June, 2024
Governor is pleased to declare the date of poll i.e. 8th July, 2023 (Saturday) to be a public holiday under section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
Since the date of poll on 19th December, 2021 falls on Sunday, which is a public holiday under the N. I. Act, 1881, separate order declaring the said date as a holiday is not necessary.
I am directed to state that all transfers that were put on hold due to election duty and model code of conduct, West Bengal Legislative Assembly 2021, may be executed now.
All Government Offices, Organizations under it, Undertakings, Corporations, Boards, Statutory and Local Bodies, Educational Institutions etc. situated within the Assembly Constituency will remain closed on the respective dates so that every employee is able to exercise his/her right to franchise in the election.
Download Notification from Election Commission of India No. ECI/PN/16/2021 Dated: 26th February, 2021 Subject: General Election to the Legislative Assemblies of Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Puducherry, 2021-reg.
SAR Nodal Officers are requested to complete the process of tagging of concerned Group-A Officers immediately and approve the chain of SAR flow in the System so that the SAR may be submitted by all Group-A Officers to their respective Reporting Officers within 30th June, 2019.
Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc committee/ Organizing Committee/ Administrator up to 23.07.2019 of Recognised Junior High, High and Senior Madrasah in view of ensuing Parliamentary Election 2019.
In view of the Parliamentary Election-2019 to be held on 11th, 18th, 23rd & 29th April, 2019 and 6th, 12th & 19th May, 2019 in the respective Parliamentary Constituency/ Assembly Constituency, the Government has declared the said days as public holidays.
প্রথম দফায় 2 টি আসনে ভোট কুচবিহার, আলিপুরদুয়ার, দ্বিতীয় দফায় 3 টি আসনে ভোট জলপাইগুড়ি, দার্জিলিং, রায়গঞ্জ, তৃতীয় দফায় 5 টি আসনে ভোট জঙ্গিপুর, মুর্শিদাবাদ, মালদা উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ, বালুরঘাট
Governor is pleased to declare 14th May, 2018 (Monday) to be a public holiday under the N.I. Act, 1881 for the aforesaid districts for Panchayat General Elections 2018.