

Casual Leave, Earned Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Half Pay Leave, Commuted Leave, Leave not Due, Extraordinary Leave, Special Disability Leave, Study Leave, Child Care Leave, Child Adoption Leave etc.

Treatment of Absence on 02.09.2016 for Bandh/Strike

Absence of employees on 2nd September, 2016 will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible unless such absence is covered by grounds as mentioned in F.D. Memo No. 2013-F dated 06.03.2012.

Leave Rules of Employee while on Deputation

An employee of a non-vacation department while on deputation to a vacation department will be guided by the leave rules of the vacation department.

Encashment of Leave of Retired Judicial Officers

The bills of retired Judicial Officers or those who were elevated to High Court, Calcutta; will be drawn from the establishment where their last pay bills were drawn.

Grant of Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 Days

Grant of Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 days to the male State Government employees and employees of Panchayat Raj & other Local Bodies, Boards, sponsored/ non-Govt. aided Schools & Colleges, State aided Universities and Companies, Corporations, Undertakings etc.

Guidelines to Grant Child Care Leave to Female Employees

Guidelines to grant Child Care Leave to female employees of Government-aided Colleges, State-aided Universities and other Statutory Bodies and laying down the terms and conditions.

Special Casual Leave for attending Schools on Bandh/ Strike

Teaching and Non-teaching staff of the Schools, who attended the date on which Bandh/ Strike call given by different Central Trade Unions, may avail of one day Special Casual leave.

Special Casual Leave for attending Office on Bandh/ Strike

One day’s Special Casual Leave will be granted to those employees of all offices who attended office on 02.09.2015. Such Special Casual Leave shall be availed of within 31.12.2015.

Absence is not DIES NON in case of already sanctioned Leave

Absence will not be treated as dies non and no salary will be deducted in case of leave like Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave, Earned Leave, etc. sanctioned before the date of issuance of order No. 6535-F dated 01.09.2015.

Child Care Leave for Female Employees of Madrasahs

Extension of benefit of the Child Care Leave for a maximum period of two years to the regular female teaching and non-teaching employees of Government sponsored/ Non-Government aided Madrasahs.

State Govt. Offices would remain Open on 02.09.2015 Bandh

In view of call given by different Trade Unions for bandh/strike all over the country on the 2nd September, 2015, it has been decided that all State Government offices would remain open.

Absence of Employees due to Strike/ Bandh on 18.08.2015

Governor has been pleased to decide that absence of employees on that date (18th August, 2015) will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible unless such absence.

Child Care Leave for Employees of Colleges and Universities

Child Care Leave is applicable to the regular female teaching and non-teaching employees of the Government sponsored and non-Government aided Colleges as well as State aided Universities.

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