
Manual Scavengers

Manual scavengers are individuals who manually clean human excreta from dry latrines, sewers, and open drains. This practice is hazardous and banned in India under the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers Act, 2013, to promote dignity and rehabilitation.

No Hazardous Cleaning of Sewers and Septic Tanks

No person, local authority or any agency shall, either directly or indirectly, engage or employ, any person for hazardous cleaning of sewers and septic tanks w.e.f. 05.12.2014.

Construction of Sanitary Community Latrines by Municipality

Municipalities shall construct adequate number of sanitary community latrines, so as to eliminate the practice of open defecation in their respective jurisdiction within 05.12.2016.

Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers – Committee

State Monitoring Committee is formed for the purpose of carrying out the functions under the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013.