

Any act of physical or mental abuse on the ground of colour, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, place of birth, place of residence or economic background.

Toll-Free Number for Complaints related to Ragging – 18003455678

State Government in the Higher Education Department has decided to introduce a 24X7 Central dedicated Toll-Free Number 18003455678 at Kolkata Police headquarters, Lalbazar, for lodging complaints related to Ragging.

Fact Finding Committee on Administrative Lapses of Jadavpur University

Department of Higher Education in the Government of West Bengal has taken serious views on the incident of unfortunate death of a first-year student within the campus of Jadavpur University due to alleged ragging which is under investigation by the Investigating Agency.

Prohibition of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions of West Bengal

To prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.

West Bengal Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act, 2000

Ragging means the doing of any act which causes, or is likely to cause, any physical, psychological or physiological harm or apprehension or shame or embarrassment to a student

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