

Examination programme, Schedule, Routine etc.

Higher Secondary Examination Routine (New Syllabus), 2022

The Examination of these subjects will be of two hours duration. All Practical Examinations will be held between 15.02.2022 and 04.03.2022.

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) Routine, 2021

In continuation to the announcement made by the State Government today, the undersigned is directed to notify all the recognised X-Class Institutions of the state that the Madhyamik Pariksha (SE), 2021 is postponed and will not be held in June, 2021.

Annual Examination Programme (Class XI), 2021

15.06.2021 (Tuesday): Bengali (A), English (A), Hindi (A), Nepali (A), Urdu, Santhali, Odia, Telugu, Gujarati, Punjabi 17.06.2021 (Thursday): English (B), Bengali (B), Hindi (B), Nepali (B), Alternative English

Higher Secondary Examination Routine (New Syllabus), 2021

The undersigned is directed to notify all the recognized XII state that Higher Secondary Examination 2021 is postponed and will not be held in June 2021.

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) Routine, 2020

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2020 (both Regular & External) will be held from 18th February, 2020 to 27th February, 2020. Each day from 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m. (First 15 minutes for reading the Question Papers only).

Annual Examination Programme (Class XI), 2020

Annual Examination Programme (Class XI), 2020 will start from 12th March, 2020 and it will be over 27th March, 2020. All practical Examinations will be held between 06.04.2020 to 21.04.2020.

Higher Secondary Examination Routine (New Syllabus), 2020

Higher Secondary Examination Programme (New Syllabus), 2020 will start on 12th March, 2020. The Examination will be over on 27th March, 2020. From 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. Each day.

Submission of Copy of Class Routine/ Daily Time Table

Reminder to submit a copy of the routine/ daily time table pertaining to the mandatory structure of the time periods/class distribution to the Deputy Secretary (Academic), WBBSE through registered speed post latest by 15.02.2019.

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) Routine, 2019

Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2019 (both Regular and External) will be held from 12th February, 2019 (Timing: 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.) upto 27th February, 2019.

Higher Secondary Examination Routine (New Syllabus), 2019

The Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer) except Health & Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music and Vocational Subjects.

Higher Secondary Examination Routine (Old Syllabus), 2019

The Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer) except Environmental Education, Fine Arts & Crafts and Music.

Annual Examination Programme (Class XI), 2019

The Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 2.00 p.m. to 5.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer) except Health & Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music and Vocational Subjects.

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