Right to Education Act (RTE), describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21a of the Indian Constitution.

  • Lottery System for Admission in Elementary Classes, 2012

    At first a general lottery from among all applications irrespective of any category to find out the selected general candidates. Then, a second set lottery for left over candidates in each category i.e. SC, ST and OBC candidates.

  • Age for Admission in School to Appropriate Class

    West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has notified about the age for admission in School to appropriate Class as per definition in West Bengal Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Rules, 2012.

  • Recognition/ Affiliation of Un-Aided Schools

    The concerned DI of schools or his representatives will have to verify the Treasury Challan as mentioned under SL. 9 of the TR Form -7 in case any school authority approaches them for such verification in the TR challan.

  • Upgradation of Qualification of Primary Teachers

    Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 having B. Ed or equivalent qualification should obtain 6 months Special Training to be conducted with the approval of the National Council for Teacher Education.

  • Recognition of Un-Aided Schools as per RTE Act

    Any existing unrecognized School failing to apply for recognition within stipulated time will be violating the provision of the RTE Act and appropriate action will be taken.

  • Application for Recognition of Un-Aided Schools

    All schools now run by private Organisations/Individuals as unaided schools shall have to submit their applications for recognition in the prescribed format online through the School Education Department’s web portal www.wbsed.gov.in within a period of three months.

  • Enhancement of Primary Teachers Qualification

    A teacher appointed prior to 03.09.2001 i.e. the date on which the NCTE Regulations, 2001 came into force will be guided by the prevalent Recruitment Rules of the State Government. Such teachers need not have to upgrade their academic qualifications nor have to acquire teacher training qualification.

  • Constitution of Expert Committee to Examine Class I to XII

    Constitution of Expert Committee to Examine the entire syllabi, curricula and texts from Class – I to XII and to suggest modification with provision of RTE.

  • Admission Procedures in Schools as per RTE Act

    As per Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, following are the guidelines regarding Application Procedures in Elementary Classes (I to VIII) in Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Govt. Un-Aided Schools for the academic session 2012.

  • Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

    Special provisions for children not admitted to, or who have not completed, elementary education, Right of transfer to other school.