Special Allowance/ Daily Allowance to Driver, Cleaner, Helper, Khalasi
When Drivers, Cleaners, Helpers and Khalasis have to remain on duty with the Government Vehicles continuously for a period exceeding 8 hours a day, they may draw for each hour of duty in excess of 8 hours in a day, a Special Allowance of Rs. 30/- per hour subject to a maximum of Rs. 180/- per working day.
Special Allowance for Protocol Duties by Secretariat Assistants
Additional remuneration shall be payable to those Secretariat Assistants who perform such protocol duties in addition to their normal duties frequently and on a regular basis.
Overtime Allowance/ Daily Allowance to Driver, Cleaner, Helper, Khalasi
Grant of Special Allowance (for overtime work) to the Automobile Drivers and Cleaners, Helpers and Khalasis accompanying Government Vehicles on duty.