Provisions of existing Statutes, Rules and Regulations relating to the conduct of election to the Students’ Unions in West Bengal School, College and University.
To ensure maintenance of peace and tranquility in an around education institutions ahead of the approaching examination season, the Universities authorities are advised to keep in abeyance all processes related to Students’ Union elections.
State-aided Higher Education Institutions where elections are due, the authorities of such institutions may take recourse to the procedures and arrange to conduct the election process upto 31st January, 2015.
State-aided Higher Education Institutions where elections are due, the authorities of such institutions may arrange to conduct the election process during the period 15th November, 2014 to 31st January, 2015.
Advisory for keeping in abeyance all processes related to election to the students’ unions in the Universities and their affiliated Colleges for the time being.
University and College authorities may take recourse to the provisions of their existing Statutes, Rules and Regulations relating to the conduct of election to the Students’ Unions, and adopt appropriate arrangements.
With a view to preventing any untoward incidents over conduct of students’ union elections, and to ensure the maintenance of peace and tranquillity in and around educational institutions.