Implementing the financials policies of the Govt. and keeping a strict vigil over the spending fund from the Govt. exchequer for its optimum utilization.
Several new posts have been created in the cadre of WBA&AS and incorporation of these posts into the Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS in 2016 is expedient.
Online application and Issue of Letter of Identification for Half Yearly Departmental Examination is introduced with effect from Half Yearly Departmental Examination, December, 2015.
Revision of Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities for Self Appraisal Report (SAR) of WBA&AS Officers & Issue of guidelines thereof.
The syllabi in respect of Preliminary & Main examination of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service, direct recruitment examination on the recommendation of PSC.
Questions have been raised regarding – How the GPF, LTC etc. of the Officers of West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service, posted on deputation, shall be paid through e-Pradan.
To review the Cadre Schedule for the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service in terms of Rule 4 of the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service Cadre Rules, 1999.
Finance Department has developed a Web Based Version of Service Record Monitoring System for Constituted Cadre officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service (WBA&AS).
Secretary/ Additional/ Special Secretary in charge of Group T (Establishment Cell) of Audit Branch for the Officers belonging to scale no. 16 & 17 (pre-revised ROPA, 1998)
The method of, and the qualifications required for, the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service through the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013.
Officers of West Bengal Audit Accounts Service belonging to batch – 2004, who are now posted as Treasury Officers-in-Charge in different Treasuries of the State are hereby designated as Treasury Officers of the respective Treasuries.