

The West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa for providing interest subsidy to the Self Help Groups (SHGs) who are obtaining bank credit for undertaking economic activities.

Amendments of West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa

The Bank shall claim Interest subsidy @ 2% p.a. on the loan account of the SHGs. So, the effective rate of interest, after receiving interest subsidy from NRLM & WBSSP shall come down to @ 2% p.a.

West Bengal Swanirbhar Sahayak Prakalpa (WBSSP)

Government shall provide an interest subsidy to the eligible SHGs on a portion of the interest charged by Commercial, Regional, Rural and Co-Operative Banks on the Bank loan.

Formation of West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Limited

Governor is pleased to decide that a Corporation in the name and style of ‘SWAROJGAR’ (A Corporation for Marketing of Products of the Self Help Groups and the Self Employed and Skill Development) will be set up.