
Deputation of Muslim Doctors and Para Medical staffs for Haj 2013

Health, , 👁️ 203

Send the names of suitable Muslim Doctors and Para-Medical Personnel (Allopathic) in terms and conditions laid down in the Ministry of External Affairs Memo No. M(Haj)/1183/2/2013, dt. 24.01.2013.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
M. A. Branch
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091

No. HF/O/MA/377/4D-01/2009 Pt. Dated, Kolkata, the 25th February, 2013.

From: The Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.

Subject: Temporary Deputation of Muslim Doctors and Para-Medical Staff (Allopathic) to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj – 2013.

In forwarding herewith a copy of Office Memorandum No. M(Haj)/1183/2/2013, dt. 24.01.2013 alongwith its enclosure received from the Ministry of External Affairs (Haj Cell), New Delhi through Internet on the subject noted above the undersigned is directed to request to send the names of suitable Muslim Doctors and Para-Medical Personnel (Allopathic) in terms and conditions laid down in the Ministry of External Affairs’ letter under reference to the undersigned alongwith their original applications immediately so that the same may be sent to the Ministry of External Affairs by 28th February, 2013.

2. Prescribed form is enclosed at Annexure – ‘B’.

3. No application/request for extension of last date of receiving will be entertained.

Sd/- K. K. Bose
Joint Secretary

No. M (Haj)/1183/2/2013
Government of India
Ministry of External Affairs
(Haj Cell)

New Delhi, January 24, 2013


The undersigned is directed to stats that the Ministry of External Affairs hereby invites applications from Muslim doctors and paramedical staff (Government servants only) for temporary deputation to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to render medical assistance as Doctors and Paramedics (Allopathic) for Haj – 2013. The period of deputation will be 2-3 months.

2. The eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions are at Annexure “A”. Applications from eligible candidates must be routed through proper channel.

3. The prescribed application form is at Annexure “B”.

4. Applicants are required to send six passport size photographs with white background along with their application. Copies of passport form and visa form are given at Annexure ‘C and ‘D’ for use by selected candidates.

5. The selected candidates should apply for official passports to their concerned Regional Passport Offices (RPO). Details of RPOs are available at website:

6. The details can be accessed on the website of this Ministry (www.mea.gov.in) and Haj Committee of India (www.hajcommittee.com).

7. The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of length of their service and experience and desirable qualifications such as, knowledge of regional languages, experience in public relations, etc. Ministry’s decision on selection of suitable candidates shall be final.

8. Applications, duly forwarded by Directorate of Health Services of the concerned State may be sent at following address: Haj Cell, Ministry of External Affairs, ISIL Building, Bhagwandas road, New Delhi-01. (The Cadre Controlling Authority may please ensure that a separate certificate duly signed is attached to each application verifying the information given in column 5, 6, 7, & 10 of the application).

9. The last date for receipt of applications in the Ministry is February 28, 2013. Health Departments of all State Governments are requested to ensure that the applications are received in the Ministry before the last date. Applications received after the due date will not be considered.

(Under Secretary to the Government of India)
Email: dirhai@mea.gov.in

No. HF-377 dated 25.02.2013, Annexure, Source

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