
Textbooks Distribution (Free) for Class XI

Higher Secondary Education,

WBCHSE is pleased to announce that ODIA, Gujarati, Santhali, Urdu text books for Class XI will be available at the Sales Counter of Vidyasagar Bhavan at free of cost.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No. L/Secy/241/2016 Date: 21.07.2016


Attention: All Students, teachers, Heads of Higher Secondary Institution

The Council is pleased to announce that the text books for Class XI of the following subjects given below will be available at the Sales Counter of Vidyasagar Bhavan at free of cost.

ODIA, Gujarati, Santhali, Urdu.

In case, these books are not available at the D.I office of the respective district, the schools may collect the books on submission of proper documents to validate the student strength. The documents are to be validated from AS (Academic) or AS (Law) at Vidyasagar Bhavan. This will be also applicable for those schools who have received number of books lesser than the required in these subjects from the DI office.

With thanks,

Sd/- Subrata Ghosh

No. L/Secy/241 dated 21.07.2016, Source

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