Hi,I am Ankur Barnwal working as an assistant teacher in govt aided high school of west Bengal.I got the job from ssc in the year 2010 where the post was created at the school for up grading of school from junior high to high school in the scale of Hons ..As i completed the my master degree before joining of the school therefore after the first approval of the post i again apply for the P.G. scale and as per G.O. D.I. of schools approve the scale (the scale is upgraded from grant-in-section).
Now as the post was created for up-gradation of school ,the post was treated as temporary for two years . After completing the said two years our school sent all the documents for permanent approval. But when the permanent approval comes to my hand ..i seen , it mentioned in the permanent approval that my qualification is B.Sc.(H)…
Now after this serious matter when i communicate to the office of D.I. of Schools they told me there is nothing to be serious as i have already an approval copy for the P.G. Scale.
please advise me the best of yours