I am a panchayat karmachari.My D.O.B.08-03-1967. dt. of appointment 01-03-2007 .So dt. of retirement 08-03-2027.so Qualifying service=20 yrs .I know it is calculated dt. of retirement-dt.of appointment-period of E.L. so if I take 10 days E.L.then what ‘ll be my qualifying service period? pl.discuss it.
Your qualifying service will be for 20 YEARS AND 8 DAYS. EOL, THE DAYS OF SUSPENSION,UN AUTHORIZED SERVICE PERIOD ETC. will be deduct from the total period. EL (earned leave) will not deduct from the service period.
According to ROPA-2009, EOL (extra ordinary leave,with out pay ) is not more consider as the break of service if the competent authority condone such EOL.